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Trial Status in_development completed
Abstract This study will investigate the discrimination against transgender people in the Swedish rental housing market, and is one of the first correspondence studies to examine this question at hand. 800 applications will be sent out to various landlords advertising rental vacancies on the Swedish internet-site To signal the gender identity of the four different testers (the cis man, the cis woman, the trans man, the trans woman) a name change will be used in the experiment. The observations will be categorized in receiving a response or not within the time frame of two weeks. After this period of time the observations will be classified as a no response. Furthermore, the responses will then be noted as positive, if additional contact or an invitation to showing is suggested, or negative, if the application is declined for any potential reason. Besides studying the general discrimination against transgender people, the present study will also investigate if there is a difference in the discrimination level against transwomen and transmen. Given that there exist some prior evidence of discrimination against men in the rental housing market (see for example, Ahmed and Hammarstedt (2008), Bengtsson et al. (2012)), it is of certain interest to see to which degree this affects transwomen and transmen. Furthermore, the study will examine if there exist varying degrees of discrimination depending on the gender of the landlord or if it is a company, and if discrimination differ by rental price, size or region in the country. This study will investigate the discrimination against transgender people in the Swedish rental housing market. 800 applications will be sent out to various landlords advertising rental vacancies on the Swedish internet-site To signal the gender identity of the four different testers (the cis man, the cis woman, the trans man, the trans woman) a name change will be used in the experiment, where the transgender people are identified by having one female and one male name. Besides studying the general discrimination against transgender people, the present study will also investigate if there is a difference in the discrimination level against transwomen and transmen. Given previous evidence of discrimination against men in the rental housing market, it will be of interest to see to which degree this affects transwomen and transmen. Furthermore, the study will examine if there exist varying degrees of discrimination depending on the gender of the landlord or if it is a company, and if discrimination differ by rental price, size or region in the country.
Trial End Date May 08, 2021 May 03, 2021
Last Published April 20, 2021 06:30 AM May 04, 2021 10:56 AM
Intervention Start Date April 17, 2021 April 19, 2021
Intervention End Date April 24, 2021 April 25, 2021
Primary Outcomes (End Points) Positive responses from landlords (callback) Responses from landlords and positive responses from landlords (callback)
Randomization Method Coin flip Randomization done at
Keyword(s) Behavior, Gender Behavior, Gender
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