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Abstract This work evaluates an educational intervention carried out on medical store workers in Bihar, India. Over 670 medical store workers were surveyed to evaluate their knowledge on correct drug dispensing protocols and their beliefs on antimicrobial resistance as a public health threat. Randomly selected workers received an informational intervention consisting of the recommended WHO`s dispensing protocol, statistics on antibiotic resistance prevalence and its consequences in India and a reminder of the legal status of unnecessary antibiotics dispensing. This trial evaluates an educational intervention carried out on medical store workers in Bihar, India. Over 670 medical store workers were surveyed to evaluate their knowledge on correct drug dispensing protocols and their beliefs on antimicrobial resistance as a public health threat. Randomly selected workers received an informational intervention consisting of the recommended WHO`s dispensing protocol, statistics on antibiotic resistance prevalence and its consequences in India and a reminder of the legal status of unnecessary antibiotics dispensing.
Trial End Date August 15, 2021 November 30, 2021
Last Published June 12, 2021 06:50 AM August 13, 2021 09:03 AM
Building on Existing Work No
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