Last Published
May 10, 2021 11:45 AM
October 21, 2021 09:35 AM
Intervention End Date
June 30, 2021
December 30, 2021
Experimental Design (Public)
The experiment consists of three parts and a questionnaire. In Part 1, we assess loss aversion based on a lottery task. In Part 2, participants receive a fixed wage and work on a real effort encryption task (Encryption task with Double Randomization). Participants have to encode letters into numbers and can proceed with the next word only if they encoded all letters correctly. Effort is measured as the number of solved words. In Part 3, the main stage of the experiment, participants also work on the WEDR task. This time, payment is performance based and tied to a randomly selected task. Depending on the treatment, the payment is framed as a bonus or penalty and the payment is visualized or not visualized (see above).
The experiment consists of three parts and a questionnaire. In Part 1, we assess loss aversion based on a lottery task. In Part 2, participants receive a fixed wage and work on a real effort encryption task (Encryption task with Double Randomization). Participants have to encode letters into numbers and can proceed with the next word only if they encoded all letters correctly. Effort is measured as the number of solved words. In Part 3, the main stage of the experiment, participants work on the same encryption task. This time, payment is performance based and tied to a randomly selected task. Depending on the treatment, the payment is framed as a bonus or penalty and the payment is visualized or not visualized (see above).
Planned Number of Clusters
The number of participants planned for the experiment is 1440 people completing the study. We advertise for 1600 participants to take into account individuals excluded due to the restrictions below.
We will exclude subjects who do not complete the MTurk study within 45 minutes of starting and who are not approved for any other reason (e.g. not having a valid MTurk ID);
We will analyze the data both, for all participants and for those participants, who solve at least one task correctly.
In addition, and in line with previous research, we will analyze the data once excluding those who make inconsistent decisions in the loss aversion test and once including these subjects.
The study will be kept open on MTurk until 1600 subjects have completed the assignment.
The number of participants planned for the experiment is 1440 people completing the study. We advertise for 1600 participants to take into account individuals excluded due to the restrictions below.
We will exclude subjects who do not complete the MTurk study within 60 minutes of starting and who are not approved for any other reason (e.g. not having a valid MTurk ID);
We will analyze the data both, for all participants and for those participants, who skip all or most of the tasks solve at least one task correctly.
In addition, and in line with previous research, we will analyze the data once excluding those who make inconsistent decisions in the loss aversion test and once including these subjects.
The study will be kept open on MTurk until 1600 subjects have completed the assignment.
Secondary Outcomes (End Points)
Skipping behavior measured as the number of skipped tasks in Part 3; number of incorrectly answers in the real-effort task
Building on Existing Work