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Last Published May 12, 2021 01:15 PM June 12, 2021 06:49 AM
Primary Outcomes (End Points) correct words per minute (cwpm) measured at midterm and endterm. Oral reading fluency, parental engagement.
Experimental Design (Public) We carry out an adaptive experiment with 6 treatment arms and a control group to identify the treatment arm that leads to the highest average cwpm. In the first wave of the experiment, student IDs are randomly assigned to each arm and the control; in the second wave, we calculate the probability that each treatment arm is optimal using Bayesian estimation and then determine the exploration sampling shares (Kasy and Sautmann, 2021) to assign the wave-2 sample to these arms. We carry out an adaptive experiment with 6 treatment arms and a control group to identify the treatment arm that in expectation leads to the greatest improvements in reading fluency, through engaging parents in reading regularly with their children at home. In the first wave of the experiment, student IDs are randomly assigned to each arm and the control; in the second wave, we calculate the probability that each treatment arm is optimal using Bayesian estimation and then use Exploration Sampling (Kasy and Sautmann, 2021) to assign the wave-2 sample to these arms.
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