Experimental Design Details
The research team will send a letter (attached) to the potential subjects via email, offering the opportunity to
participate in the study. If interested, individuals will be directed to a website (visit https://bailstudy.com). This website will include information about the study, and will invite individuals to enter their first name, last name, and preferred email address if they would like a link to the Qualtrics survey.
The survey asks for basic identifying information, including first and last name, date of birth, gender, race, ethnicity, zip code, phone number, and email. The survey also asks information on employment, relationship status, and criminal justice contact. At the beginning of the survey, individuals will read an informed consent document (attached) with all of the necessary information. If they wish to proceed with the study, they will click "next" on the Qualtrics screen to go to the survey.
For participating in the survey, individuals will be entered into a random drawing to win one of ten $50 Target gift cards. Individuals may also be randomly assigned to receive an invitation to participate in the bail cost-sharing program. Completion of the survey is required to be entered into the random drawing for a $50 Target gift card. Individuals are not required to purchase the bail cost-sharing service in order to be eligible for the gift card.
The second randomization will dictate our treatment and control groups. At the end of the survey, Qualtrics will
randomly assign individuals to the treatment or control group. The treatment group will receive information about
the bail cost-sharing service and a 50% discount on the service for the first twelve months. The control group will
not be given information about bail cost-sharing, but will not be prohibited from purchasing it. This is partly an
"encouragement" design, where we provide information about this service and a discount to a random subset of the
sample. Our main "treatment" will be the price discount given that it is highly likely individuals in the control group
will hear about the service from people in the treatment group. The discount should also increase take-up.
After completion of the Qualtrics survey, study participants will be emailed a copy of their survey responses, the
result of the random drawing for a Target gift card, and the result of their random assignment to either the
treatment or control group.
None of the individuals assigned to the treatment group will be required to purchase bail cost-sharing. We will tell
them about the service and direct them to the Vonzella website to sign up if they choose. Once the Qualtrics survey
and the results of both randomizations are emailed to study participants, the research team's communication with
participants will end.