Intervention (Hidden)
Our main experimental design involves three different treatments.
Information Treatments:
1. Information related to stigma and mental health issues
In this treatment arm, we provide information about how mental health problems are common and encourage participants to seek treatment. We attempt to break down both personal stigma (the participant’s own feelings associated with seeking treatment) and anticipated stigma (the participant’s perceptions of how others will treat them if they have a mental health issue).
2. Information related to a celebrity/role model
In this treatment arm, we provide information on a celebrity in Nepal who has sought help for mental health problems. We attempt to persuade participants to seek mental health treatment by showing them that a role model (a popular comedian in Nepal) has struggled with mental health issues and sought treatment. This role model encourages treatment for all.
Gender Match Treatment:
3. Gender match of subject to the enumerator (cross-randomized)
Across all participants, we match subjects to same gender and different gender enumerators. We attempt to look at whether people are more comfortable revealing mental health issues and seeking help if matched to an enumerator of the same or of different gender.
We conduct a phone survey that targets 3,000 parents and 3,000 adolescents, where we measure a range of outcomes related to mental health issues and stigma around them. Treatment 1 & 2 are delivered in scripts as part of the survey, and treatment 3 is implemented by assigning enumerators stratified by their gender. We stratify all treatments by municipality. All in all, we have six different treatment groups: celebrity info with a female enumerator, celebrity info with a male enumerator, stigma info with a female enumerator, stigma info with a male enumerator, no info with a female enumerator, and no info with a male enumerator.
The script for the stigma treatment is as follows:
Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, feelings of loneliness, and excessive fear and nervousness are very common and if you are having any such issues then you are not alone. 1 in 7 people worldwide struggle with a mental health or substance abuse problem. Over 300 million experience them each year worldwide and almost 13% of people in Nepal experience them. Mental health illness does not discriminate; a person of any age, gender, ability status, socio-economic status (rich or poor), ethnicity, sexuality (Third Gender), religion, and background can have a mental health problem. People are generally reluctant to accept and admit that they have mental illness and need any kind of treatment. This is mainly because of fear that friends, neighbors, or relatives may label them with mental illness. Having a mental health illness does not mean you are weak or broken; on the contrary, seeking help for a mental health problem is a sign of strength. Mental Health problems can be treated with the help of mental health professionals who are trained to deal with issues like depression and anxiety. These professionals help to identify what is happening to you and how it can be reduced/treated. These professionals are supportive, and you can fully trust them. If you have any emotional or behavioral issues, seek help. Do not suffer in silence. Now, I would like to ask you a few questions.
The script for the celebrity treatment is as follows:
a. Do you know Hari Bansha Acharya? 1-Yes, 2-No.
b. Who is he? 1- Nepali comedy actor, 2- Nepali politician, 3- Nepali social-worker?
He is a famous actor and comedian in Nepal. He is known to most of the Nepalese from the film he acted in. During COVID 19 pandemic and post-earthquake disaster, many of his videos were broadcasted with messages on how to stay strong and cope with the pandemic and disaster. These messages have increased the self-confidence of many Nepalese. In his lifetime he has also experienced depression (prolonged feelings of sadness, sleeping, and eating irregularities, as well as suicidal thoughts) but with his courage and with the support of mental health professionals he has recovered. He encourages potential sufferers and the people around to look out for such early symptoms of depression. According to him, it is important to identify depression and anxiety on time so that those who suffer with mental health problems can get treatment from mental health professionals. By getting treatment, someone with a mental health problem can reduce future problems and lead a happy, successful life. If you have any emotional or behavioral issues, seek help. Do not suffer in silence.