Intervention (Hidden)
The experiment session will begin with a survey to record household and individual characteristics of the participants, which will approximately take around half an hour. During the next half an hour of the experiment, each couple will first be randomized into a ‘task’ or ‘gift’ stream depending on the task allotted to them during the first half an hour. Under the “task” stream, female spouses will work for half an hour for 400 rupees at a moderately intensive mundane task of packing rice into small bags while their partner watches on or reads some magazine in the same room. Women are expected to achieve a target of 30 small bags within the timeframe of half an hour. Under the “gift” stream, female spouses will receive 400 rupees while both male and female participants enjoy some magazines and other temporary, within-room distractions.
After half an hour of working or waiting, all couples will enter the lab for a session to complete an allocation game on how they would like to spend the 400 rupees earned/received by women under varying conditions of privacy, labelling and communication between partners, the five treatment arms of the second level randomisation. Both partners will be in separate rooms during the allocation game and will be given an android tablet each with survey CTO installed. Men and women will be asked separately on how they would like to split 400 rupees that women earned or received into one or more options as below:
1. Deposit in their own bank account
2. Deposit in their partners’ bank account
3. Deposit to a third persons’ bank account
4. A personal gift voucher to buy female clothing, footwear and other accessories
5. A personal gift voucher to buy male clothing, footwear and other accessories
6. A shared gift voucher to buy household items
While women will be asked how they wish to spend the money they earned or received, men will be asked how they wish their wife to spend the money she earned or received during the first round. In this round, it will be the women’s decision on allocation that will be enacted after the lab session. Participants will be asked to choose any amount ranging from zero to four hundred rupees into the above five categories. Choosing to deposit in a bank account provides participants with flexibility to decide later how they wish to spend the amount received. Whereas, choosing vouchers will be a way of committing to a particular consumption good. Private vouchers will only be redeemable for purchase of ‘female’ items (or male’ items). For example, if the wife chooses ‘x’ amount to be allocated to a personal gift voucher for female products, she will receive a gift voucher only redeemable for items such as clothes, footwear, and other items for women. As a follow up to the question on how they would allocate the amount women earned or received, we will also record how they plan to spend the amount towards different types of expenditure and for whom the expenditure is expected to be made for. The participants’ answer to the follow up question on expenditure need not be binding in the sense that we will not be able to restrict their expenditures to the items they choose in the allocation game.
Following this, both male and female play another round of allocation game where they will be given an opportunity to win 400 rupees with a 25% probability through a lottery system. This is in addition to the 400 rupees women win in the first round of work or no work. This contrasts with the first round of allocation game where both the partners have full information that women receive 400 rupees from working or waiting. The lottery ensures incentive-compatible answers from participants for the second allocation game and allows for plausible deniability to a spouse after the lab session.
Similar to the first round of allocation game, under the joint account rules related to privacy, labeling, and communication in their respective treatment arm, participants (both men and women) will be asked to make decision on how they would like to split 400 rupees they might win through lottery into one or more options as below:
1. Deposit in their own bank account
2. Deposit in their partner’s bank account
3. Deposit to a third person’s bank account
4. A personal gift voucher to buy female clothing, footwear and other accessories
5. A personal gift voucher to buy male clothing, footwear and other accessories
6. A shared gift voucher to buy household items
As a follow up, both male and female partners will be asked how they wish to spend the money towards different expenditures and for whom the expenditures would be incurred for if they win the lottery. To minimize the anchoring effect from the first round of allocation game, we precede the second allocation game with questions on risk preferences and time preferences. We also record the Engel curve for each participant at the end of the survey to validate that the allocation and expenditure choices of participants are purely from the treatment types and not from the income elasticity of different types of goods.
The allocation games will be followed by some games to assess mental bandwidth of the participants. Through such games, we intend to assess the impact of privacy and communication between partners on their mental well-being.