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Last Published September 17, 2021 08:42 PM June 19, 2022 01:12 PM
Primary Outcomes (End Points) 1. Financial literacy as measured by one pre-test and two post-tests. 2. A variety of financial behaviors. 3. Risk taking in an experimental investment task. 4. Insurance uptake in an experimental insurance task. 1. Financial literacy as measured by one pre-test and two post-tests. 2. A variety of financial behaviors. 3. Risk taking in an experimental investment task. 4. Insurance uptake in an experimental insurance task. 5. Mortgage repayment plan choice in an experimental task. 6. Portfolio choice in an experimental task.
Experimental Design (Public) In our study, we also aim at measuring the behavioral implications of financial education course using an incentivized experiment. More specifically, we plan to run an experiment that aims to measure risk taking and insurance uptake. In our study, we aim at measuring the behavioral implications of financial education course using an incentivized experiment. More specifically, we plan to run an experiment that aims to measure risk taking in a number of financial decision making contexts.
Randomization Method Randomization will be carried out at the beginning of the two courses that we offer. The randomization will be carried out using a computer. Randomization will be carried out at the beginning of the two courses that we offer.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 90 to 175 students. 150-200 students.
Intervention (Hidden) Course learning was measured through two separate questionnaires given to students at three points in time: Students registered in either of the two courses participated in the pre-test before the courses started, where they were asked several multiple-choice knowledge questions both on topics of financial literacy and democratic literacy. Students also answered questions on a variety of behaviors in both fields. At the end of the courses, they attended a post-test also. Finally, students took a second post-test five months after the course ended. At the end of the course, we also ran an experiment that involves two tasks. The first task aims to measure risk taking within an investment context. The second one aims to elicit the insurance uptake of the participants. Course learning was measured through two separate questionnaires given to students at three points in time: Students registered in either of the two courses participated in the pre-test before the courses started, where they were asked several multiple-choice knowledge questions both on topics of financial literacy and democratic literacy. Students also answered questions on a variety of behaviors in both fields. At the end of the courses, they attended a post-test also. Finally, students took a second post-test five months after the course ended. At the end of the course, we also ran an experiment that involves four tasks. The first task aims to measure risk taking within an investment context. The second one aims to elicit the insurance uptake of the participants. We also ran two other tasks involving mortgage plan choice and portfolio tasks.
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