Experimental Design (Public)
First RCT:
The project will take place in all 171 localities in 33 sanitary areas of Lakota district. The sanitary areas are gradually phased in, rolling out activities in blocks of about 15-25 localities (organized by sanitary area) at a time, with a new block starting activities every month for a period of 10 months.
1- For the first 3 blocks of localities, half of the localities are randomly selected as (temporary) controls. This results in 35 control localities, where the start of the intervention will be postponed until all the other sanitary areas have been phased in allowing to estimate the program impacts of parental exposure to in-group training and home visits on behavioral and ECD outcomes after a period of 8-10 months
2- In half of the treatment localities, randomly selected, project staff will identify local (opinion) leaders and ask them to become ECD community champions. These influencers will receive an orientation about the content of the trainings, asked to share concerns and opinions, and asked for advise on how to change ECD practices in the locality, and actively encouraged to engage with and participate in the program.
3- In half of the treatment localities, randomly selected fathers will be shown a set of short videos, specifically created to sensitize fathers about their participation in early childhood learning. The local languages videos (created by DMI) are shown to the fathers of the sampled households by baseline enumerators, with a script encouraging them to participate in the upcoming trainings. Randomization of the father’s exposure to videos will be orthogonal to the selection for the community champions.
All randomizations will be stratified by sanitary area.
2nd RCT
1. FMD trainings will take place in 158 localities, with 103 randomly-selected localities to be reached in year 1, and the remaining 55 in year 2 (serving as the one-year experimental control group). The 158 localities are spread across 5 regions, 9 department and 20 sous-prefectures. The selection of the 25 beneficiary parents to be invited to the training will occur in the 158 localities before the start of trainings in year 1.
2. Grandmothers or other elderly female family members will be invited to separate formal in-group training sessions in 34 randomly selected treatment localities.
3. In 34 randomly selected treatment localities the CoP will not be promoted.
All randomization will be stratified by sous-prefecture (geographical units)
First RCT:
The project will take place in all 171 localities in 33 sanitary areas of Lakota district. The sanitary areas are gradually phased in, rolling out activities in blocks of about 15-25 localities (organized by sanitary area) at a time, with a new block starting activities every month for a period of 10 months.
1- For the first 3 blocks of localities, half of the localities are randomly selected as (temporary) controls. This results in 35 control localities, where the start of the intervention will be postponed until all the other sanitary areas have been phased in allowing to estimate the program impacts of parental exposure to in-group training and home visits on behavioral and ECD outcomes after a period of 8-10 months
2- In half of the treatment localities, randomly selected, project staff will identify local (opinion) leaders and ask them to become ECD community champions. These influencers will receive an orientation about the content of the trainings, asked to share concerns and opinions, and asked for advise on how to change ECD practices in the locality, and actively encouraged to engage with and participate in the program.
3- In half of the treatment localities, randomly selected fathers will be shown a set of short videos, specifically created to sensitize fathers about their participation in early childhood learning. The local languages videos (created by DMI) are shown to the fathers of the sampled households by baseline enumerators, with a script encouraging them to participate in the upcoming trainings. Randomization of the father’s exposure to videos will be orthogonal to the selection for the community champions.
All randomizations will be stratified by sanitary area.
2nd RCT
1. FMD trainings will take place in 158 localities, with 103 randomly-selected localities to be reached in year 1, and the remaining 55 in year 2 (serving as the one-year experimental control group). The 158 localities are spread across 5 regions, 9 department and 20 sous-prefectures. The selection of the 25 beneficiary parents to be invited to the training will occur in the 158 localities before the start of trainings in year 1.
2. Grandmothers or other elderly female family members will be invited to separate formal in-group training sessions in 34 randomly selected treatment localities.
3. In 34 randomly selected treatment localities the CoP will not be promoted.
All randomization will be stratified by sous-prefecture (geographical units)
Just after the start of the intervention in year 1, one of the (private sector) partners of the project wanted to roll-out a preschool program (involving preschool construction, curriculum development, teacher training and assignment and parental awareness) in a small subset of the year 1 and year 2 villages. A total of 36 candidate villages for those preschools were identified among the 158 initially targeted schools. After they were identified 15 of the 36 villages were randomly selected to receive the preschool intervention, with 10 randomly selected to receive this intervention starting in 2021, and another 5 randomly selected to receive the intervention starting in 2022. This randomization was stratified by region and by the year 1 versus year 2 parental training assignment.