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Last Published August 26, 2021 12:38 PM September 01, 2021 01:50 AM
Randomization Method Randomization is special in our intervention. In some sense, it is a natural experiment since at the moment of birth, a "soul" is born in a given family with a given culture. However, since we focus on Aymara, we will randomize in this group. Half of the Aymara native subjects will be interviewed and receive directions for the games in Aymara and the other half in Spanish. They are all bilingual, so there is no language barrier. We use very simple terms when explaining the game. Randomization is special in our intervention. When comparing a native language with Spanish language, it is a natural experiment since at the moment of birth, a "soul" is born in a given family with a given culture. However, since we focus on Aymara, we will randomize in this group as well as the Quechua and Guarani. Half of the native speaking subjects will be interviewed and receive directions for the games in their native language and the other half in Spanish. The randomization will be done in front of each participant. They are all bilingual, so there is no language barrier. We will use very simple terms when explaining the game.
Randomization Unit At the individual level For the game regarding risk, the unit of analysis will be each iteration of the game. There will be two "training games" with minor prizes (candies) and four games involving cash. So, the number of observations will be four times the number of subjects. For the "patience" game, which is a variation of the marshmallow experiment, the unit of analysis is at the individual level.
Planned Number of Observations Total: 350 subjects Total: 450 subjects
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms East Bolivia: Aymara = 100 and Spanish = 50 Central Bolivia: Quechua = 50 and Spanish = 50 West Bolivia: Guarani= 50 and Spanish = 50 East Bolivia: Aymara = 100 and Spanish = 50 Central Bolivia: Quechua = 100 and Spanish = 50 West Bolivia: Guarani= 100 and Spanish = 50
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Field Before After
IRB Approval Date December 18, 2019 March 01, 2020
IRB Approval Number N/A HUIDEC-2020-0003
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