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Last Published March 04, 2022 09:16 AM June 13, 2022 09:20 AM
Experimental Design (Public) We have recruited firms via mail and email, as well as with direct calls to firms which have shown an initial interest in hiring refugees. In all cases, we have limited our recruitment efforts to SMEs in sectors where refugees typically find employment. The firms in our population will be randomized into the following groups: Control group: participates in the surveys but does not receive any treatment. Treatment group 1: Participates in the surveys and in the short information treatment 1. Treatment group 2: Participates in the surveys and receives both the comprehensive consulting treatment 2 and the information treatment 1. If we have enough firms in our population, we will add: Treatment group 3: Participates in the surveys and receives the comprehensive consulting treatment 2, but not the information treatment 1. The randomization will be stratified by firm size and sector, and potentially by demographic characteristics of the area such as the share of foreigners in the population and support for anti-immigration parties. We will have two waves in the study. The timeline of the study is as follows: First wave: - March 2022: Baseline survey. - March-May 2022: Treatment 1 and 2. - May 2022, following Treatment 1: hiring intentions follow-up survey. - Fall 2022: short follow up survey on labor demand outcomes. Second wave: - February 2023: Baseline survey. - March-May 2023: Treatment 1 and 2. - May 2023, following Treatment 1: hiring intentions follow-up survey. - Fall 2023: short follow up survey on labor demand outcomes. Q3 2024: endline survey. We have recruited firms via mail and email, as well as with direct calls to firms which have shown an initial interest in hiring refugees. In all cases, we have limited our recruitment efforts to SMEs in sectors where refugees typically find employment. The firms in our population will be randomized into the following groups: Control group: participates in the surveys but does not receive any treatment. Treatment group 1: Participates in the surveys and in the short information treatment 1. Treatment group 2: Participates in the surveys and receives both the comprehensive consulting treatment 2 and the information treatment 1. If we have enough firms in our population, we will add: Treatment group 3: Participates in the surveys and receives the comprehensive consulting treatment 2, but not the information treatment 1. The randomization was stratified by firm size, their previous experience with hiring refugees, and their intention of hiring somebody in the next year. We will have two waves in the study. The timeline of the study is as follows: First wave: - March 2022: Baseline survey. - March-May 2022: Treatment 2. - May 2022, following Treatment 2: hiring intentions follow-up survey. - Fall 2022: short follow up survey on labor demand outcomes. Second wave: - February 2023: Baseline survey. - March-May 2023: Treatment 1 and 2. - May 2023, following Treatment 1: hiring intentions follow-up survey. - Fall 2023: short follow up survey on labor demand outcomes. Q3 2024: endline survey.
Planned Number of Clusters min. 200 firms in the first wave. Unknown number in the second wave, at a minimum another 200 firms. We will recruit into the second wave in Fall 2022. 116 firms in the first wave. Unknown number in the second wave, at a minimum another 200 firms. We will recruit into the second wave in Fall 2022.
Planned Number of Observations min. 200 firms in the first wave. Unknown number in the second wave, at a minimum another 200 firms. We will recruit into the second wave in Fall 2022. 116 firms in the first wave. Unknown number in the second wave, at a minimum another 200 firms. We will recruit into the second wave in Fall 2022.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms Anticipated: 1/3 of firms control, 1/3 information treatment T1, 1/3 information and consulting treatment T1+T2. With 300 firms, the total numbers would be 100 control, 100 T1 and 100 T1+T2. Anticipated: 1/3 of firms control, 1/3 information treatment T1, 1/3 information and consulting treatment T1+T2. With 300 firms, the total numbers would be 100 control, 100 T1 and 100 T1+T2. In the first wave, after recruiting 116 firms (fewer than anticipated), we split the sample into only two arms: 1/2 control, and 1/2 T2.
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