Intervention (Hidden)
Our study motivates students by providing information about a merit- and need-based scholarship to attend college. Created in late 2011, Beca 18 is the first full scholarship program for higher education funded by the national government in Peru. With the aim to reduce the poor's unequal access to higher education, Beca 18 funds full tuition and related expenses of young talented students coming from poor households who have been admitted to selective private and public universities (5-year college degrees) and technical institutions (3-year college degrees). Between 2012 and 2019, Beca 18 granted almost 66,000 scholarships nationwide. Even though the program has implemented some changes in the application and selection process over time, it has always kept its focus on talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds. About two thirds of the scholarships were granted to fund 3-year technical degrees.
Peruvian high school seniors attending a public school need to comply with three criteria to become eligible for Beca 18: be under 22 years of age, come from a poor household (verified by SISFOH), and have high enough grades (top third in their school based on GPA in the last two years prior to their application). Those pre-selected under these criteria are then invited to take a nationwide test covering math and reading comprehension, in order to qualify for the final round, although the test didn't take place in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 emergency. The final ranking considers test scores plus some bonus points awarded to applicants in prioritized situations including indigenous groups. It is a very competitive program, with a success rate of 5.19%.
Beca 18 covers full tuition costs of attending a public or private 3-year or 5-year college. It also covers course materials, tuition to study English (only for 5-year colleges), academic tutoring, and a laptop, in addition to health insurance, living expenses (food, housing), local transportation, and a round-trip ticket to the place of residence, if applicable.
We proposed a research design with three treatments arms, a placebo treatment group, and a control group. We randomize treatment assignment at the school level to avoid spillovers within schools. In the placebo group, parents will receive information about Aprendo en Casa, the Ministry of Education's multimedia platform (website, TV and radio), created for remote learning. The proposed text for the control group will say:
“Do not let [LONG NAME] stop learning for a day! Access classes with Aprendo en Casa on TVPeru, Radio Nacional or”.
The three treatment arms will vary on how they motivate parents and students to keep investing in their education. Through different channels, the messages make more tangible the long-term gains of studying hard today and are thus expected to directly alter students' academic performance. Despite this, all three treatment arms will receive a common text message which will provide general information about the eligibility criteria and coverage of Beca 18.
“Did you know that if [LONG NAME] gets good grades in 3rd and 4th grade, they can study for FREE in the best universities / institutes with Beca 18? Visit bitly/infoB18”
The first treatment arm focuses on the findings from a new paper about the job market gains of Beca 18 (Author, 2020). The study shows that job applicants received 20% more callbacks if they were awarded Beca 18. Thus, the text message will read:
“Did you know that beneficiaries of Beca 18 receive more callbacks when applying to jobs? [LONG NAME] could be one of them, encourage them to get good grades!”
The second treatment arm is more personalized and motivates students by showing how close they are to become eligible to apply to Beca 18 based on merit. If the students have high academic achievement, the text message will read:
“In 2019, [LONG NAME] got an A in all courses. To apply for Beca 18 and study for FREE at the university / institute they need to keep their grades. Encourage them to learn!”
On the contrary, if the students have middle academic achievement, the text message will read:
“In 2019, [LONG NAME] got some As. To apply for Beca 18 and study for FREE at the university / institute they need to improve their grades. Encourage them to learn!”
Similarly, if the students have low academic achievement, the text message will read:
“In 2019, [LONG NAME] got a few As. To apply for Beca 18 and study for FREE at the university / institute they need to improve their grades. Encourage them to learn!”
The third and final treatment arm will send information about the number of beneficiaries from the last round of scholarship. This message is intended to make the student feel closer to a past beneficiary, expanding his/her aspirational windows. The proposed text is:
“[NNN] students from your region won Beca 18 in 2020. [LONG NAME] can also study for FREE at university / institute. Encourage them to get good grades!”
We will send two additional reminders to the three treatment arms. In total, the parents assigned to the three treatment arms received four SMS, those assigned to the placebo treatment receive one, and the pure control group receive no SMS at all.