Intervention (Public)
We will randomly assign 4,180 Venezuelan refugees into four groups (one control and three treatment arms). Each of the treatment arms consists of sending a video through WhatsApp that will aim at reducing: i) lack of awareness for the program, ii) mistrust towards the government, and (iii) registration bottlenecks.
We will randomly assign 4,180 Venezuelan refugees into four groups (one control and three treatment arms). Each of the treatment arms consists of sending a video through WhatsApp that will aim at reducing: i) lack of awareness for the program, ii) mistrust towards the government, and (iii) registration bottlenecks.
Update on the pre-analysis plan, on February 2 of 2022: We have finalized the pre-registration for our experiment and were only able to find 1,438 eligible individuals for the intervention. Consequently, we had to update our sample statistical considerations and power calculations in the following way:
• The sample is only representative of Santa Marta and the other smaller areas together (this includes Cienaga, Sabanalarga, Fundación, y Baranoa).
• The sample will not be stratified by individual covariates so the specification will not include any controls.
1. Based on this sample size we will assign the 1,438 individuals to the four treatment arms randomly. After the intervention is administered and when we collect the follow-up surveys we will estimate the impacts of the videos as originally specified in equation (1) of the pre-analysis plan, but excluding covariate controls:
Yi = α + β1Video1i + β2Video2i + β3Video3i + εi (1)
2. Additionally, we will also examine the effectiveness of the interventions by
a. Pooling all treatment videos in one group and comparing the control group with a pool dummy of treatment videos in the following way:
Yi = α + βVideosi + εi (2)
b. Pooling the 3 treatment groups in only 2 corresponding to the following specifications:
Yi = α + βVideos1i + β2Video2and3i + εi (3)
Yi = α + βVideos1 and 2i + βVideos3i εi (4)
Specification (3) pools videos 2 and 3 together as they target empathy for a member of the same ethnic groups (both are presented by a Venezuelan) whereas Video 1 is presented by a Colombian. Specification (4) pools the videos 1 and 2 as they target the same information whereas video 3 offers more information. Our objective with these modification is to try and boost our statistical power.