Experimental Design
This field experiment consists of randomisation of young voters into three different SMS voting reminder treatment groups and into a control group. The target population of this study is eligible voters in Finnish 2022 county elections aged from 18 to 29 years old living in municipalities with an electronic voting registry, meaning that the outcome variable is available for these individuals. After combining information from the election registry and phone number availability from the ProFinder database, we are left with 51,104 individuals with a cellular phone number. We randomise these individuals into three different treatments (20% of the total sample in each treatment) and into the control group (40% of the total sample).
Three different treatment groups are: neutral treatment, expressive treatment and informative treatment. Each individual in a treatment group receives a voting reminder SMS a day before the start of the advance voting period and a day before the voting day. Below are the text messages which will be sent out for each treatment group (translated from Finnish):
1.a) Neutral Treatment, before the advance voting period
“Hi, a reminder for you that the county elections are held on the 23rd of January. The domestic advance voting period is from 12th of January until 18th of January. Read more vaalit.fi. Best Regards, the Ministry of Justice”
1.b) Neutral Treatment, before the election day
“Hi, a reminder for you that the county elections are held on the 23rd of January. Read more vaalit.fi. Best Regards, the Ministry of Justice”
2.a) Expressive Treatment, before the advance voting period
“Hi, a reminder for you to use your right to vote in the county elections on the 23rd of January. The domestic advance voting period is from 12th of January until 18th of January. Read more vaalit.fi. Best Regards, the Ministry of Justice”
2.b) Expressive Treatment, before the election day
“Hi, a reminder for you that the county elections are held on the 23rd of January. Democracy needs you so use your right to vote! Read more vaalit.fi. Best Regards, the Ministry of Justice”
3.a) Informative Treatment, before the advance voting period
“Hi, have an influence on the local public services in the county elections on the 23rd of January. The domestic advance voting period is from 12th of January until 18th of January. Read more vaalit.fi. Best Regards, the Ministry of Justice”
3.b) Expressive Treatment, before the election day
“Hi, a reminder for you that the county elections are held on the 23rd of January. You can have an influence on the local public social, health care and rescue services. Read more vaalit.fi. Best Regards, the Ministry of Justice”
After the election the outcome variable from the electronic voting registry is merged into treatment status and covariate data and pseudonymised by Statistics of Finland. We will use the Linear Probability Model as our main model for the ease of the interpretation of the coefficients but will also conduct analysis using logit and multilevel models as a robustness check. We will estimate potential heterogeneous effects by age, geographical area (at the municipality level), previous voting participation and socioeconomic status (education, income and profession). In addition to that we will examine possible spill over effects by using data on family links.