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Trial Start Date March 15, 2022 March 30, 2022
Last Published March 04, 2022 09:14 AM May 27, 2022 05:10 PM
Intervention (Public) Discrete choice experiment - study participants (employers and HR specialists) will choose between hypothetical profiles of the candidates applying for a job offer. The profiles will differ in terms of wages and candidates' willingness to work from home. Discrete choice experiment - study participants (owners of a company, managers, directors or HR employees that decide on hiring policy) will choose between two hypothetical profiles of the candidates applying for a job offer. The profiles will differ in terms of wages and candidates' willingness to work from home.
Intervention Start Date March 31, 2022 June 01, 2022
Intervention End Date April 30, 2022 June 30, 2022
Primary Outcomes (End Points) Willingness to pay (WTP) for work from home. Willingness to pay (WTP) for working from home
Experimental Design (Public) The study will be based on the internet survey (CAWI). In the first part of the survey, we will collect basic information about participants’ socio-demographic characteristics and characteristics of their company. Afterwards, we will introduce a discrete choice framework and ask all participants to state their preferences over hypothetical candidates applying for a job offer. The candidates will differ in terms of expected wages and willingness to work from home. Each study participant will be shown five screens. On each screen, there will be profiles of two candidates applying for a job offer. Each pair of candidates will vary in terms of two attributes: the willingness to work from home and the expected wage. Candidate A will be willing to work from the office, Candidate B from home: 5 days a week or 2-3 days a week. The number of days possible to work from home in the case of Candidate B will be selected randomly (with equal probability). The expected wage of the Candidate A will be equal to the standard wage at this position in the company. The wage in the case of the Candidate B will be randomized (uniform distribution) in the range of {-24%,-20%,-16%,…,0,…,16%,20%,24%} deviations from the expected wage of the Candidate A. We will use a Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) technique. The participants in our study will be owners of a company, managers, directors or HR employees that decide on hiring policy. We will restrict the sample to individuals who, in the last 12 months, hired at least one employee in the occupation that could be potentially done from home (occupations according to the major groups of the International Standard Classification of Occupations from 2008 – ISCO-08: managers (ISCO 1), professionals (except for health professionals, ISCO 2), technicians and associate professionals (except for health associate professionals, ISCO 3), clerical support workers (ISCO 4), and service and sales workers (ISCO 5). In the first part of the survey, we will collect basic information about the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics and the characteristics of their company (sector, ownership, size, and the possibility to work from home before, during and after COVID). We will also ask respondents about their opinion on how the company was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, how they assess the productivity of employees who work from home, and what is their subjective opinion regarding the threat associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. To investigate the quality of management practices in a company, we will ask six questions adapted from the World Management Survey’s module on the quality of hiring policies and talent management. In the second part of the survey, we will introduce a discrete choice framework and ask all participants to state their preferences regarding hypothetical candidates.To assess firms’ demand for working from home, the participants will be shown five screens with vignettes. On each screen, there will be two job candidates. Each candidate will have eight attributes: gender, age, work experience in a similar position, commuting time to the office, occupation, working hours, willingness to work from home, and wage expectations. Each pair of candidates will vary in terms of two attributes: the ability to work from home and the wages. Candidate A will want to work from the office, while Candidate B will want to work from home either five days a week or 2-3 days a week (with equal probability). The number of days candidate B would work from home will be selected randomly. The wage expectation of Candidate A will equal the average wage in a given occupation. The wage expectation of Candidate B will be randomised (uniform distribution) in the range of {-24%,-20%,-16%,…,0,…,16%,20%,24%} deviations from the wage of Candidate A.
Secondary Outcomes (End Points) Willingness to choose a candidate who work from home The probability of choosing an individual who prefers to work from home rather than in the office
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