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Trial Title Conscription and National Values: Lessons from Argentina Conscription and Nation-Building: Lessons from Argentina
Trial Status in_development on_going
Abstract We describe the analysis plan for an online intervention designed to examine how inducing participants to think about the values instilled in the military affects civic values and views about the nation. The study will be conducted online with men of 45 years and older living in Argentina. Participants will share their opinion about the lessons and values that serving in the military taught those who were conscripted. The primary experimental treatment is the order in which individuals respond to this open-ended question. We outline the study design, the treatments, the main heterogeneous treatment effects that we will examine, and the econometric strategy for the analysis. We describe the analysis plan for an online intervention designed to examine how inducing participants to think about the values instilled in the military affects values and views related to nation-building, civic values, and social cohesion more broadly. The study will be conducted online with men of 45 years and older living in Argentina. Participants will share their opinion about the lessons and values that serving in the military taught those who were conscripted. The primary experimental treatment is the order in which individuals respond to this open-ended question. We outline the study design, the treatments, the main heterogeneous treatment effects that we will examine, and the econometric strategy for the analysis.
Last Published February 08, 2022 09:44 AM March 02, 2022 12:11 PM
Primary Outcomes (End Points) The key outcome variables are the answers to questions about national affiliation and civic values. The key outcome variables are the answers to questions about nation-building, social cohesion, national affiliation, civic values, and religiosity.
Additional Keyword(s) Civic value, nationalism Nation-building, civic values, social cohesion, religiosity.
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