Experimental Design Details
In a round, a group of 8 traders receive their endowments in units of an asset and cash in ECUs. They then trade for 100 sec via a double auction. A trader either has a high type, who has an asset valuation of 10 ECUs more than the low type, or the low type. At some time during trading, a public news release either shifts the asset value upwards or downwards.
Each session has 1 practice round which does not count, then 20 rounds of trading that do count. In each round, endowments are reset, and new random variables are drawn (asset value realizations, news time); in fact, these random variables have been pre-drawn in matlab and we use the same sequence of realizations in all sessions and treatments to reduce noise. We pay the payoff of one of these 20 rounds, chosen at random.
7 of the 8 traders receive 4 units of the asset as initial endowments. 1 trader, the high endowment trader, receives 12 units of the asset. 5 traders with an endowment of 4 have the high valuation type, and all others, including the high endowment trader, have the low type. Trader types and endowments are randomly assigned in the practice round, and then constant throughout the experiment. In the trading algorithm treatments, the algo is always the high endowment trader.
Three treatments: Control, MO-Algo, LO-Algo, see above.
Within each treatment, we either start with 10 rounds where the public news release time is known and communicated before trading starts (e.g., news is released 40 sec after trading starts), or with 10 rounds where the public news release time is not precisely known (it is only known that it occurs in the interval 40 sec to 60 sec after trading started). The last 10 rounds will have the other regime. Each order is used for 5 sessions, making 10 sessions per treatment. Hence, we vary whether the precise news time is known within-subject. But the trading algorithms are between-subject.