Experimental Design
The RCT focuses on the entrepreneurial individual who intend to start a new business or pursue a new business idea within an established entity. We advertise the program through digital channels as a general course overseeing all the important aspects of entrepreneurship. The course is free of charge to ensure the participation of individuals with limited financial resources. The same amount of training is offered to both groups receiving training to ensure comparability. Multiple instructors/coaches will be trained to deliver the training using standard materials, purposely designed. Each instructor/coach teaches two classes (one class employing the theory-driven approach and the second class using the experimentation-driven approach). The research team designs, coordinates, and oversees all activities, ensuring that the learning modules and coaching activities are appropriately carried out by the instructors/coaches.
The research team will collect various measures related to both participants and their business projects before, during, and after the training using surveys and structured interviews.
Participants will have to complete an initial survey after applying to the program. Data collected in the survey includes personal information about the participants, such as age, gender, education, but excludes any special data categories (religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, etc.) or biometric data.
The survey will also include questions about the entrepreneurial project pursued by the participants, their goals and expectations regarding the project, the resources, and competencies they can access, and cognitive and decision-making aspects that are relevant to the research.
Other surveys will be administered in subsequent steps of the project, according to the needs of the research, and following the same procedure and content type described for the initial survey.
Interviews will be conducted by research assistants, who we will contact participants to provide a monthly update on their entrepreneurial project for up to 15 months after the completion of the training program.
Individual-level measures include participant demographic information, education and work background, prior experience with entrepreneurship, and some cognitive and psychological traits. Project-level measures include past and current performance, team composition and perceptions of future performance. We will also collect specific measures related to participants’ perception of internal and external challenges to entrepreneurship as well as their perceived ability to respond to them.