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Last Published April 20, 2022 07:48 AM April 21, 2022 02:41 AM
Planned Number of Clusters 400 500
Planned Number of Observations 400 500
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 100 in each condition 125 in each condition
Power calculation: Minimum Detectable Effect Size for Main Outcomes We collapse across the treatments e.g., so that we have n=200 in "no min info" condition vs. n=200 in "min info". Similarly, we have n=200 in "no info" condition vs. n=200 in "info" condition. In detecting the main effects, the minimum detectable effect size is 0.10. This is based on alpha = 0.05, power = 0.8, and n=200 in each group, and assuming the proportion paying the minimum or less to be 10% in the control group (from previous studies). The minimum detectable effect size is 0.17 with the expected interaction effects. This is based on oneway anova with alpha = 0.05, power=0.8, n=100 with 4 equal groups. We updated the power calculations based on the pilot data we collected. With the following inputs Effect size |ρ| = 0.2 α err prob = 0.05 Power (1-β err prob) = 0.9 We plan to collect 125 in each cell, giving us 250 in each cell in our 2x2 design experiment.
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