Experimental Design Details
We worked closely with eight dedicated local shops, each serving a set of distinct villages. Each shop serves around 12 distinct villages.
Shop-level participation requirements included being located in close proximity to other shops selling standard fans and space to install a demo fan in the shop.
Teams of research and field staff were assigned to each shop. Project targets were allocated across the eight shops. In the design stage of the experiment these targets were as follows:
Approx. Targets for Each Shop Overall
Awareness 1300 HHs ~10400 HHs
Demonstration activity 760 HHs 6000 HHs
Enrollment 380 HHs 3000 HHs
Final Survey 190 HHs 1500 HHs
Installations 60 HHs 500 HHs
Awareness-raising activities were designed to educate local households about energy-efficient fans and our project. These activities were facilitated and supported by Village Organizations (VOs). After the training session, SHG members disseminated information about our project at local SHG meetings and via door-to-door campaigns. Information campaigns included pamphlets, posters, and demonstration fans. All potential participants were informed about the standard warranty support provided by the manufacturer. As noted above, this warranty support can be hard to access from remorse markets. In the villages that had been assigned to our warranty treatment group, SHG members educated potential participants about the additional local warranty support. This three-month warranty could be readily activated through the local shop. Local shops were equipped with surplus inventory such that any technical problems that arose within the three-month period could be immediately replaced.
Demonstration Activity: This activity took place at a village or CLF office where a sample BLDC fan is installed so that people can see it operating (and cool off on a hot day!). The purpose of this information session was to provide additional information on BLDC fans, re-explain our initiative, and demonstrate the demand elicitation exercise we will use to elicit willingness to pay and randomly assign a purchase price during a sales appointment. The activities demonstration was conducted by the Local Resource Persons (LRPs) identified by the JEEViKA & J-WIRES at local level. Meeting location and time was announced well in advance.
Enrollment: After the mock game demonstration, attendees had the opportunity to apply to participate in the study. A tablet-based enrollment survey was conducted with all interested participants. Priority was given to those respondents who indicated that they were very likely to purchase a ceiling fan in the next year and willing to travel to a participating shop for a sales appointment. Research staff explained that participants would need to bring the funds to purchase the fan to the sales appointment. Interested and qualified participants made sales appointments and shared contact information so they could be reminded/contacted about the appointment.
Final Survey Activity: The final survey will be conducted at a participating SHG shop. The surveys are conducted by the research staff who attend all sales appointments. One day prior to the appointment, the Local Resource Person (LRP) contacts the participant to ensure their availability on the day of WTP Game Session. If the participant is available for the session, the LRP reminds the participant of the appointment location and asks them to bring electricity bill and funds to purchase the fan. If the participant is not available, but still wanting to participate, the appointment is rescheduled. IF the participant is no longer willing to participate, the appointment is canceled
On the day of the appointment:
As per the Covid precautionary guidelines, the LRP asks about COVID symptoms. If the participant has covid symptoms the participant is asked to return home and reschedule when in good health.
COVID guidelines and consent forms are explained. The consent form reminded participants of the manufacturers warranty, using manufacturers language regarding the online portal. For the treatment group reminded participants about the local warranty offer "Our project provides additional warranty support for the first three months of ownership. If anything goes wrong with the fan within the first three months of operation, the fan may be returned to this store and the JWIRES organization will be responsible for processing the product return and replacement.".
Upon confirming consent, staff asks participants to show their electricity bill (and requests permission to photograph). The researcher, with the help of the shop owner, conduct the survey. This includes a demonstration game where a “mock” BDM game is played. The participant has an opportunity to ask questions and repeat the practice game if desired. Once the rules of the game are clear, the participant indicates her/his maximum willingness to pay for the efficient BLDC fan. He/she then receives her/his assigned scratch card - which has been pre-assigned using the participant’s name and id number. The bid amount is written on the card. The researcher takes a photo and uploads immediately. The participant picks a box on the scratch card and scratches off to reveal his/her purchase price. A second photo is taken and uploaded immediately. If the Scratch card shows the same or less price than the price quoted by the participant, then he/she is the “Winner” of the game. If the Scratch card shows more price than the price quoted by the participant, then he/she loses the game. The participant is invited to scratch off all prices on the card so he/she is assured this is a fair lottery.
Researchers ask concluding questions and the survey concludes. Shop owner follows up with winning participants regarding fan installation. The study location in-charge installs the EE fan at the participant’s house and record the date in the record book under “Fan Game Register”.