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Last Published September 19, 2022 10:08 AM November 02, 2022 01:17 PM
Intervention Start Date October 17, 2022 November 11, 2022
Primary Outcomes (Explanation) Several of the above variables can be combined into indices, which is described in more detail in the uploaded pre-analysis plan. Perceived discrimination is measured in three ways: (1) Implicit perceived discrimination is the difference between how many stars a worker thinks they would have needed to earn on the screening quiz to be assigned to the hard task and how many stars they think comparable workers with different races and genders would have needed to earn to be assigned to the hard task. On an aggregate level, gender and racial differences in the number of stars workers think they would have needed to earn (conditional on how many they did earn) to be assigned to the hard task is another measure of perceived discrimination (2) Explicit perceived discrimination: Answering "Yes, I think so" or "or Yes, I am sure" to the two questions "do you think you would have been assigned to the harder task if your gender [race] was different." (3) General (population) perceived discrimination: whether workers think that their own group (or others) is under-represented among workers assigned to the hard task. Several of the above variables can be combined into indices, which is described in more detail in the uploaded pre-analysis plan. Perceived discrimination is measured in three ways: (1) Implicit perceived discrimination is the difference between how many stars a worker thinks they would have needed to earn on the screening quiz to be assigned to the hard task for different races and genders, conditional on how many stars they did earn. (2) Explicit perceived discrimination: Mentioning race, gender, bias, or discrimination in a free-response question about what needed to be different about their profile to be assigned to the harder task. (3) General (population) perceived discrimination: whether workers think that their own group (or others) is under-represented among workers assigned to the hard task. Other measures of each of these types of perceived discrimination are included as secondary outcomes and used for robustness, described in more detail in the uploaded pre-analysis plan.
Randomization Unit Workers are grouped into random groups of 40, conditional on having quiz scores in adjacent quintiles. These groups are randomly assigned to treatment (which job assignment mechanism they will be evaluated by). Workers are grouped into random groups of 40, conditional on having quiz scores in adjacent quintiles. These groups are randomly assigned to treatment (which job assignment mechanism they will be evaluated by). Each group of 40 is evaluated by the same manager and thus sees the same information about their manager and their past hiring decisions.
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