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Field Before After
Last Published August 01, 2022 04:11 AM September 28, 2022 11:23 PM
Experimental Design (Public) I work with 70 schools of a large rural school chain in northern India. The study sample will consist of teachers and students in grades 2, 4, 6, and 8 in these 70 schools, comprising 280 teachers and their students. I consider non-adjacent grades within each school to avoid the possibility of spillovers across adjacent grades, and conduct pairwise randomization across all possible grade pairings within schools. All teachers in the study sample will be observed at baseline and administered a survey module that elicits beliefs about perceived role in education production. Teachers will then be randomized to receive treatment or placebo training for a period of 5 weeks. At the end of the training, surveyors will administer Endline 1 survey. Two additional rounds of endline will be conducted after 3, and 6 months of intervention. I work with 83 schools of a large rural school chain in northern India. The study sample will consist of teachers and students in grades 2, 4, 6, and 8 in these 83 schools, comprising 292 teachers and their students. I consider non-adjacent grades within each school to avoid the possibility of spillovers across adjacent grades, and conduct pairwise randomization across all possible grade pairings within schools. All teachers in the study sample will be observed at baseline and administered a survey module that elicits beliefs about perceived role in education production. Teachers will then be randomized to receive treatment or placebo training for a period of 5 weeks. At the end of the training, surveyors will administer Endline 1 survey. Two additional rounds of endline will be conducted after 3, and 6 months of intervention.
Planned Number of Clusters 280 school-grades spanning 70 schools, with 4 grades per school. 292 school-grades spanning 83 schools, with 4 grades per school.
Planned Number of Observations 280 teachers and 5,000 students 292 teachers and 5,000 students
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 140 teachers (school-grades) in the treatment group and 140 teachers (school-grades) in the control group 146 teachers (school-grades) in the treatment group and 146 teachers (school-grades) in the control group
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Field Before After
Sponsor Name The Weiss Fund
Sponsor Website (URL)
Public Yes
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