Ifaa will provide a range of complementary services to PSNP households aimed at strengthening and improving government services; agriculture and livelihood opportunities, health and nutrition, WASH, gender and youth empowerment, and natural resource management and environment. Two packages of interventions will be provided under the evaluation, the "Basic PSNP" and the "Ifaa Enhanced". The Ifaa Enhanced package is the most comprehensive package and contains all the interventions in the Basic PSNP package, plus additional interventions under each domain. The additional interventions include:
Livelihood: financial education, life skill training, marketing training, credit fund, value chain financing, youth fund
Gender and youth: leadership training, community conversations, functional literacy, youth employment skills, school gender club, male engagement
Health and nutrition: health extension, nurturing care groups, adolescent nutrition, home garden promotion
WASH: Community lead total sanitation and hygiene, School WASH
Natural Resource Management: Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), capacity building on local resource governance and sustainable management