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Last Published August 18, 2022 02:49 PM March 14, 2023 09:19 PM
Primary Outcomes (End Points) Height-for-age (continuous variable, children 30-48 months) (endline) Prevalence of children 6–23 months consuming a diet of minimum diversity (MDD-C) (midline) IYCF knowledge (midline, endline) Caregiver IYCF knowledge Number of food groups consumed by a child 6–23 months Height-for-age (children 30-48 months) Household savings Household consumption
Primary Outcomes (Explanation) More details are provided in the attached analysis plan.
Secondary Outcomes (End Points) Early childhood development score (midline, endline) Percent of children 6–23 months receiving a minimum acceptable diet (midline) Height-for-age (continuous variable, children 6-23 months) (midline) Stunting (binary variable, children 6-23 months) (midline) Stunting (binary variable, children 30-48 months) (endline) Wasting (binary variable, children 30-48 months) (endline) Weight-for-height Z-score (continuous variable, children 6-23 months) (midline) Prevalence of healthy weight (WHZ ≤ 2 and ≥ -2) (binary variable, children 30-48 months) (endline) Stunting (children 30-45 months) Height-for-age (children 6-23 months) Weight-for-height Z-score (children 6-23 months) Weight-for-height Z-score (children 30-48 months) Percent of children 6–23 months receiving a minimum acceptable diet (MAD) Early childhood development score Daily per capita consumption expenditure Food security (FIES) Net income from livestock production Net income from any non-agricultural production Household livestock asset index Credit access
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