Search Results

762 Trials Found

The Efficacy of Classroom Incentives: Experimental evidence from Kenya
Last registered on June 19, 2023
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D91, I24, I25, C93

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Youngism: Experimental Evidence
Last registered on June 15, 2023
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C93, D64, D91, J14

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Choice Architecture and Diet Health
Last registered on June 15, 2023
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C91, D81, D91

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Effects of an Unconditional Cash Transfer on the Economic and Psychological Well-being of Low-Income Households in Compton, CA
Last registered on June 13, 2023
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Health, Education, and Welfare, Microeconomics

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Financial Concerns, Labor Income Discounting, and Labor Market Decisions
Last registered on June 08, 2023
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D91; J22; J24; J31; M52

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Team incentives - The impact of minimum and maximum contracts on physical activity in teams
Last registered on June 06, 2023
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C93, D91, I12, M52

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Civil Service Decision-making. Do advisor and advisee gender matter?
Last registered on May 30, 2023
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J16, D73, D91

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Metacognitive awareness and academic performance: Evidence from randomized controlled trials
Last registered on May 25, 2023
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A22, C93, D91, I23, J0

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