Search Results

427 Trials Found

Consumer Preferences for Transparent Carbon-Neutral Labels: A Choice Experiment
Last registered on April 02, 2024
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C25, D12, Q51, Q54

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Outside Options and Gender Gap in Tournament Entry
Last registered on March 19, 2024
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C90, D90, J16

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Unawareness and Reverse Bayesianism
Last registered on March 15, 2024
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C91, D81, D83

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Financial Aid Guarantees and University Selection
Last registered on March 15, 2024
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D81, I22, I23

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Targeting, Personalization, and Engagement in an Agricultural Advisory Service
Last registered on March 15, 2024
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O13, C90, Q16

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On the Dissonance between Expected Utility and the Common Ratio Paradox
Last registered on March 15, 2024
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D81, D91

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(Mis)Perceptions, attitudes, and preferences for immigrant integration: Evidence from a survey experiment
Last registered on March 15, 2024
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C90, D64, D83, D91, J15, Z18

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Learning is in the Air: Clean Air as an Experience Good
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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D12; I15; O12; O13; Q53

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