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161 Trials Found

Malawi National Numeracy Programme Impact Evaluation
Last registered on October 04, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

I21, I25, O15

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The Long-Term Impact of High School Financial Education: Evidence from Brazil
Last registered on July 19, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

D14, D91, I25, O12

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Can technology narrow the early childhood stimulation gap in rural Guatemala? Results from an experimental approach
Last registered on July 13, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

J13 Early childhood stimulation; other codes: I20, I25, I30, I38

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A psychological intervention and financial literacy. A lab experiment.
Last registered on June 23, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

C91, C99, D14, D84, D91, G41, G53, I25, I29, O10, O16, O29, O39

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The Efficacy of Classroom Incentives: Experimental evidence from Kenya
Last registered on June 19, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

D91, I24, I25, C93

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Fostering human capital development through school feeding and teacher incentives
Last registered on May 17, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

D91, I15, I25, O12, O15

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