Search Results

315 Trials Found

Delivering Remote Learning in Developing Countries using a Low-tech Solution – Bangladesh
Last registered on November 02, 2023
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I21, I24, I25, O15

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Unlocking the Value of Social and Emotional Learning Interventions: Maximizing Benefits and Measuring the Opportunity Cost
Last registered on November 01, 2023
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I2 Education and Research Institutions

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Salience and Timely Compliance: Experimental Evidence from the Enforcement of Speeding Tickets
Last registered on October 27, 2023
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C93 (field experiment), D83 (belief, unawareness), D91 (Role and Effects of Psychological

, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making)

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Two carrots and no stick – the Nijmegen social assistance experiment
Last registered on October 26, 2023
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H53 Government expenditure and Welfare Programmes, I38 Government Policy – Provision and Effect of

Welfare Programmes, D91 Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making, C93 Field experiments

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Technology, Information, and School Choice: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Last registered on October 24, 2023
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D83, I21, I24

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Stay the Course: Evaluating an Intervention to Promote Community College Persistence and Graduation Rates
Last registered on October 19, 2023
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I24- Education and Inequality, C93- Field Experiments, D04- Microeconomic Policy: Formulation; Implementation; Evaluation

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Addressing Barriers to Student Success in Higher Education
Last registered on October 18, 2023
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I21, I23, I24

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The Impact and Promotion of Social Emotional Learning Classes in Rural Schools of China
Last registered on October 17, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

I24, I25, O12

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