Search Results

18 Trials Found

Leveraging Technology to Prioritize Environmental Enforcement in Bangladesh
Last registered on May 09, 2024
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D73, H23, K42, Q52, Q53, Q58

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Accelerating the Green Transition: An Experimental Study with Portuguese Small Businesses
Last registered on December 06, 2023
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D22, G21, G30, L20, L26, O33, O44, Q52

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Air pollution perceptions and behavior in the UK
Last registered on November 17, 2023
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Q52, D91, C90

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Approaches to Climate Change and the American Public
Last registered on August 11, 2023
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D72, D91, H23, H41, Q52, Q54, Q58

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Indoor Air Pollution and Worker Productivity
Last registered on March 13, 2023
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Q52 Q53 J24 C93

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Adoption of improved cook stove and women decision-making empowerment in rural Benin
Last registered on February 11, 2023
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D02; D90; J22; O33; Q52

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Experimenting with Labs
Last registered on November 17, 2022
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Q51, Q52, Q53

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Green jobs and motivations
Last registered on August 03, 2022
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J38; J31; J64; Q52

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Public Acceptability of Climate Change Mitigation Policies
Last registered on February 21, 2022
Search term found in: Jel code

D72, D91, H23, H41, Q52, Q54, Q58

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