AEA RCT Registry currently lists 8608 studies with locations in 167 countries.

Most Recently Registered Trials

  • Nudging farmers toward the adoption of practices to increase protein self-sufficiency in dairy cattle in France
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    The sustainability of agrifood systems is one of the major contemporary challenges. In this context, the role of the primary sector is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring sufficient and affordable quality food for the population. The sustainability of the agricultural sector can be promoted through the development of environmental policies that adopt different types of instruments to encourage agricultural producers to adopt production practices that are sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. Among these tools, interventions that adopt a behavioral approach, particularly those based on nudging, play an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable behaviors (Blumenthal-Barby and Burroughs, 2012; Ferrari et al, 2019). Nudging is defined as...

  • Nudging farmers toward the adoption of an organic farming scheme in Ireland
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    The sustainability of agrifood systems is one of the major contemporary challenges. In this context, the role of the primary sector is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring sufficient and affordable quality food for the population. The sustainability of the agricultural sector can be promoted through the development of environmental policies that adopt different types of instruments to encourage agricultural producers to adopt production practices that are sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. Among these tools, interventions that adopt a behavioral approach, particularly those based on nudging, play an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable behaviors (Blumenthal-Barby and Burroughs, 2012; Ferrari et al, 2019). Nudging is defined as...

  • Nudging farmers toward the adoption of higher animal welfare standards and fodder-related environmental standards in conventional pig husbandry systems in Germany
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    The sustainability of agrifood systems is one of the major contemporary challenges. In this context, the role of the primary sector is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring sufficient and affordable quality food for the population. The sustainability of the agricultural sector can be promoted through the development of environmental policies that adopt different types of instruments to encourage agricultural producers to adopt production practices that are sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. Among these tools, interventions that adopt a behavioral approach, particularly those based on nudging, play an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable behaviors (Blumenthal-Barby and Burroughs, 2012; Ferrari et al, 2019). Nudging is defined as...

  • Nudging farmers toward the adoption of practices to minimise the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides in Italy
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    The sustainability of agrifood systems is one of the major contemporary challenges. In this context, the role of the primary sector is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring sufficient and affordable quality food for the population. The sustainability of the agricultural sector can be promoted through the development of environmental policies that adopt different types of instruments to encourage agricultural producers to adopt production practices that are sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. Among these tools, interventions that adopt a behavioral approach, particularly those based on nudging, play an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable behaviors (Blumenthal-Barby and Burroughs, 2012; Ferrari et al, 2019). Nudging is defined as...

  • Nudging farmers' engagement in training to improve their knowledge and skills related to on -farm biodiversity promotion in Switzerland
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    The sustainability of agrifood systems is one of the major contemporary challenges. In this context, the role of the primary sector is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring sufficient and affordable quality food for the population. The sustainability of the agricultural sector can be promoted through the development of environmental policies that adopt different types of instruments to encourage agricultural producers to adopt production practices that are sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. Among these tools, interventions that adopt a behavioral approach, particularly those based on nudging, play an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable behaviors (Blumenthal-Barby and Burroughs, 2012; Ferrari et al, 2019). Nudging is defined as...

  • Nudging farmers toward the adoption of practices to reduce use of chemicals and to improve natural resources management in Greece
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    The sustainability of agrifood systems is one of the major contemporary challenges. In this context, the role of the primary sector is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring sufficient and affordable quality food for the population. The sustainability of the agricultural sector can be promoted through the development of environmental policies that adopt different types of instruments to encourage agricultural producers to adopt production practices that are sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. Among these tools, interventions that adopt a behavioral approach, particularly those based on nudging, play an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable behaviors (Blumenthal-Barby and Burroughs, 2012; Ferrari et al, 2019). Nudging is defined as...

  • Nudging farmers toward the adoption of of sustainable farming practices based on regenerative agriculture in Serbia
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    The sustainability of agrifood systems is one of the major contemporary challenges. In this context, the role of the primary sector is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring sufficient and affordable quality food for the population. The sustainability of the agricultural sector can be promoted through the development of environmental policies that adopt different types of instruments to encourage agricultural producers to adopt production practices that are sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. Among these tools, interventions that adopt a behavioral approach, particularly those based on nudging, play an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable behaviors (Blumenthal-Barby and Burroughs, 2012; Ferrari et al, 2019). Nudging is defined as...

  • Sources of Discrimination, Inaccurate Beliefs, and the Role of Blind Hiring
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    We study labor market discrimination in the context of the US tech industry. Using a simple theoretical model, we show that blind hiring during the resume screening phase can result in employers recruiting more productive employees, regardless of their awareness of the applicants' group identity during interviews. We suggest a new two-step experimental approach that enables researchers to distinguish observed discrimination into either taste-based discrimination or statistical discrimination resulting from inaccurate beliefs. In this study, we aim to test the following hypotheses: 1. Employers' subjective beliefs about the productivity of workers vary by race and gender. 2. Employers' subjective beliefs regarding the distribution of productivity by race and gender differ from the a...

  • Eliciting Preferences for Workplace Characteristics
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    In this study, we use an experimental survey design to elicit individuals' preferences for workplace characteristics and knowledge about workplace compensation packages.

  • Beliefs about the impact of policies on others' behavior and how they relate to policy acceptance: Experimental evidence on parking fees
    Last registered on April 26, 2024

    This study examines how individuals assess the direct and indirect consequences of comprehensive pricing for parking spaces in German cities and how public approval of such a policy is related to these assessments. In a survey experiment, we propose a policy on comprehensive parking fees and elicit the participants’ acceptance of this policy as well as their beliefs regarding its indirect effects, namely, the behavioral changes of others in response to this policy.