Measuring social and economic preferences of the aging rural population in China

Last registered on March 13, 2023


Trial Information

General Information

Measuring social and economic preferences of the aging rural population in China
Initial registration date
February 28, 2023

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
March 13, 2023, 8:29 AM EDT

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



Primary Investigator

International Institute of Social Studies

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
Radboud University

Additional Trial Information

In development
Start date
End date
Secondary IDs
Prior work
This trial does not extend or rely on any prior RCTs.
Under the numerous government-led initiatives to alleviate poverty, the Chinese rural communities and populations are viewed as passive receivers of government support. The rural communities lack the agency in addressing their public welfare demands such as social protection for an aging rural society. However, we currently observe a transition of the national strategy where the rural populations are encouraged to address the inadequate elderly care provision in a collaborative way.
Yet, little is known about rural Chinese farmers’ cooperative behaviors and tendencies toward intricate public goods, i.e., elderly care services. This problem represents a typical dilemma prevalent in Chinese rural societies where the traditional private approaches are no longer applicable to modern challenges created by urbanization and emigration. The increasing aging population and loss of the working-age population demand joint efforts within the rural community and between the government to create a public provision of elderly care services. This study will be the first to investigate the Chinese rural population’s cooperation in addressing elderly care problems with a lab-in-the-field experiment. In addition, the study will examine the impact of rewards and removal thereof on farmers’ cooperative behavior. The findings will provide valuable insights into the extent to which supportive policies can demotivate or motivate individual cooperation through different policy strategies.
Moreover, the study explores the underlying psychological mechanism of villagers' cooperation. We will examine the interactive relations between collective culture, opinions, and cooperation.
In summary, the study will be the first lab-in-the-field experiment on real-life cooperation dilemmas of the aging Chinese rural population, laying the foundation for future research on Chinese farmers’ cooperation and the creation of social protection policies to address the challenges of an aging society. Through the intervention, we will examine the impact of different policy strategies on cooperation. Ultimately, the experiment will advance our understanding of collaboration dynamics and improve farmers’ agency in bottom-up development through additional tools for practitioners that are motivated by social psychology.
External Link(s)

Registration Citation

Wagner, Natascha and Zhiqi Xu. 2023. "Measuring social and economic preferences of the aging rural population in China." AEA RCT Registry. March 13.
Experimental Details


Incentive and incentive removal in public goods games centered around elderly care services provision.
Intervention (Hidden)
Two-thirds of the participants will take the intervention: incentive and incentive removal in public goods games (PGG). One-third of the participants take no intervention and will be used as the control group.

We adopt a vignette measure where a couple of cases/scenarios depicting various elderly care public goods are presented to the participants. They will play two rounds of public goods game where the first round involves incentives to cooperate and the second round offers no incentives.
Participants will be randomly assigned to three conditions:
1. Control group: In both rounds, there is no money nor norm incentive to encourage the participants to contribute to the public pool.
2. The monetary incentive group: In the first round, monetary incentives are offered to encourage the participants to contribute to the public pool. In the second round, there is no incentive.
3. The norm appeal group: In the first round, norm appeal is offered to encourage the participants to contribute to the public pool. In the second round, there is no incentive.

Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
1. PGG outcome family;
2. Support for the elderly careservices family.
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
1. PGG outcome family:
1.1 Contribution amount;
1.2 Beliefs about others' contribution;
1.3 Personal norms of others' contributions.
Standardized Index among cases for the same round.

2. Support for the elderly care center family:
2.1 The volunteering days of one's own;
2.2 Speculation of other fellow villagers' volunteering days.
2.3 Personal norms of others' volunteering days.
Standardized Index among cases for the same round.

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
1. Preferences for individual vs. collective ways to build public goods.

Besides the secondary outcomes, we will also measure a series of variables to explore the possible mechanisms. The variables are:
1. Trust family;
2. Filial Piety norms;
3. Pathway preferences for solutions.
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
1. Preferences for individual vs. collective ways to build public goods:
In the Public Goods Game scenarios, the participants are asked to first choose their preferred way to pool their resources together to build the elderly care public goods. The first way is to pool resources with members within their social circle, e.g., relatives and friends. The second way is to pool resources with villagers in their village. The former represents a preference for individual solutions and the latter represents a preference for collective solutions.

Besides the secondary outcomes, we will also measure a series of explorative variables to explore the possible mechanisms. The variables are:
1. Trust family;
1.1 General trust. We will use two items to measure the participants' general trust on a 5-point Likert scale.
1.2 Specific trust. We will use six items to measure the participants' trust in specific types of people in their lives on a 5-point Likert scale. The planned six categories are family, relatives & friends, neighbors, fellow villagers, village leaders, and hired help (in terms of elderly care).
1.3 Trust in PGG. We will use four items to measure the participants' trust in other participants' behaviors in the PGG scenarios on a 5-point Likert scale.

2. Filial Piety norms;
2.1 Participants' norms: We adopt and adapt the Three Dimension Filial Piety Scales (Shi & Wang, 2019) to measure this variable. In specific, we use eight items from the dimensions of Family Role Norms and Good Affection. In addition, we adopt two items regarding gender & elderly care responsibilities based on the local input. The items are measured by a 6-point bipolar Likert scale.
2.2 Speculation of others' norms: The same items as above are used to measure the participants' speculation about others' choices. The items are measured by a 6-point bipolar Likert scale.

3. Pathway preferences for solutions.
There will be three questions measuring such preferences.
First, the participants are asked to rank their preferences on five types of solutions for providing elderly care to their parents. Each type of solution indicates either an individualist pathway or a collectivist pathway.
Second, the participants are asked to rank their preferences on five types of solutions for providing elderly care to themselves in the future. Each type of solution indicates either an individualist pathway or a collectivist pathway.
Third, the participants will be given a scenario where there are four ways to use an elderly care subsidy. The participants are asked to choose among the four, one is to receive it by individual account and use the subsidies on one's own; the second is to receive it by individual account and pool the subsidies together with friends and relatives; the other two ways are to receive it by public account and use the subsidies collectively.

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
The study uses a randomized control design at the villager level.

It is a between-subject treatment in terms of incentive strategies, where one-third of the participants are assigned to the control group, one-third are assigned to the monetary incentive group, and the rest one-third are assigned to the norm appeals group. In each condition, the participants play two rounds of public goods games on building a public good regarding elderly care. The difference between conditions is the introduction of incentives. We will introduce the incentives in the first round, then remove the incentives in the second round.

Experimental Design Details
For the whole sample, the statistical model will be a linear regression for the primary outcomes to estimate differences in means (intent-to-treat). We will introduce dummy variables to control the confounding effects of rounds. The individual fixed effect and case fixed effect will be included in the model. Robust standard errors will be presented.

PGG_outcome_ir= alpha + beta_1 money incentive +beta_2 norm appeal + round_dummies + individual_fe + case_fe + epsilon

In addition, we intend to conduct sub-sample analyses for the secondary outcomes and explorative variables to explore the mechanism.

Since the intervention is embedded in the survey, we expect very little attrition. A possible scenario is some participants may drop out in the middle of the survey. The balance of missing outcome data will be presented by treatment status. If balanced by treatment status and if attrition is small (<10%), no adjustments will be made. If missingness is systematic and substantial, we will use bounds (such as Lee Bounds).

Subgroup analysis will include separate linear regressions by males and females. Since we will collect auxiliary data on the potential mechanisms (e.g., trust, norms), we expect to be able to control for heterogeneity.

1) The experimenter will ask the participating villagers not to discuss the content with each other after the session. Given the gravity of the topic, the villagers are unlikely to break the rules.
2) The participating villagers' residences scatter in the village and there will be very few occasions for them to discuss the experiment.
3) Since the survey contains many questions, the villagers are unlikely to mention the questions in full detail to others, let alone discern the differences between conditions.

Multiple hypothesis testing:
We will calculate p-values and false discovery rate corrected q-values (Benjamini & Hochberg,1995) by families of indicators.

Average standardized effects:
We will give average effects on standardized indicators (Kling, Liebman, and Katz 2007) by families of indicators.
Randomization Method
Randomization will be done by the random alternation of questionnaires when they are distributed.
Randomization Unit
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
We will enroll 6-7 villages to participate but the randomization happens at the individual level.
Sample size: planned number of observations
540 participants in total 540 participants*2 cases=1080 observations
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
180 participants in condition 1 (control), and 180 participants in condition 2 (monetary incentive), 180 participants in condition 3 (norm appeal).
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
The sample size was determined based on power calculation for the test of differences in proportions. We adopt the data from one similar study (Chen, Pillutla, & Yao, 2009). We estimate the sample size for the regression model for all samples by the “sampsi” command in Stata. The previous study shows that in the first round, in the control condition, the individual's contribution portion is 45.8%, in the monetary incentive condition, the individual's contribution portion is increased to 61.2%, and in the appeal condition, the contribution portion is increased to 62.8%. In the second round, in the control condition, the individual's contribution portion is 30.3%, in the monetary incentive condition, the individual's contribution portion is decreased to 35.0% due to removal, and in the appeal condition, the contribution portion decreases to 50.1% due to removal. Among the comparison results, the smallest impact is between the control group (45.8%) and the monetary incentive group (61.2%) in round 1. Thus, we use this minimal detectable impact from the previous study to identify our sample size. Other impacts are all larger than the result of this comparison. In specific, In STATA 16.1 the command [sampsi 0.458 0.612, power(0.8) alpha(0.05)] provided a sample size of 177 per experimental arm. We rounded up to 180 observations. The target total sample size for two treatment arms and one control condition is therefore 540 (3 conditions * 180 villagers). In addition, we can control for individual-level covariates and we double the number of observations by playing the game twice. We can even identify smaller impacts given these conditions.

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
Research Ethics Committee at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number


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