Search Results

27 Trials Found

Identifying Welfare-Improving Government Spending Reforms
Last registered on May 30, 2024
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H4, H5, H11

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Rule enforcement and trust of fresh food vendors
Last registered on May 16, 2024
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H4, 017, O43

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Positive Time Preference and Intergenerational Equity
Last registered on April 02, 2024
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D6, D60, D63, D64, D9, D91, H00, H4, H41, H43, Q00, Q5, Q50, Q51, Q56

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Citizen and Politician Surveys on Corruption in Italy, Brazil, Colombia and Pakistan
Last registered on January 31, 2024
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D72, D73, H1, H4, K42

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Anticipated Peer Effects: An Application to COVID-19 Vaccinations
Last registered on November 20, 2023
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C93, D91, H4, I12, I18

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Refugee and Host Integration through the Safety Net Impact Evaluation
Last registered on November 01, 2023
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H4, J61, O1

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Soft and hard commitment devices to increase HIV testing
Last registered on October 25, 2023
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I1, O1, H4

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Are Nudges Effective to Contain COVID-19?  A Randomized Control Trial in Rural Bangladesh
Last registered on September 26, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

C21, C93, D1, D90, D81, H4, I22, I15, I18

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