Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
The question on whether respondents would like to receive further information about professional development (information acquisition) is worded as follows:
“Would you like to receive more information about professional development opportunities, funding, and providers in Germany?
• Yes
• No
If you indicate "yes", more information will be shown at the end of the survey.”
Respondents who answer “yes” will be provided with information about professional development possibilities and funding at the end of the survey.
Furthermore, we ask respondents whether they would like to receive information about occupations that other people with the same occupation switch to. This is worded as follows:
“Some people whose occupation is changing due to structural change and increasing automation of core activities take part in further training and retraining to prepare themselves for the labor market of the future.
Would you like to receive more information about which occupations people with your occupation often switch to?
• Yes
• No
If you indicate "yes", more information will be shown at the end of the survey.”
Besides, we elicit the importance of aspects when respondents decide about a different occupation to pursue after retraining. The question is worded as follows:
“How important would the following aspects be to you in deciding on a different occupation to pursue for retraining?
- Low level of automatable of core tasks
- High income
- Flexible working hours
- Only rarely working overtime
- High level of job security, e.g., low risk of being laid off
- Interesting tasks”
Answers to this question can be given on a 5-point scale labelled “Very important”, “rather important”, “rather unimportant”, “very unimportant”, “neither”.
The question on the assessment of the need for professional development for specific groups of people in the future is worded as follows:
“What do you think, will the need for professional development for the following
groups of people increase, decrease, or remain unchanged in the future?
- For all employees in Germany
- For people who do the same job as me”
Answers for the two groups can be given on a 5-point scale labelled “strongly increase” “rather increase” “remain roughly unchanged” “rather decrease” “strongly decrease”.
The question on respondents’ support for the statement that everyone who is affected by structural change is required to participate in professional development is worded as follows:
“In the course of one’s professional life, every person whose job is affected by structural change and digitalization should be required to participate in professional development. “
Answers to this question can be given on a 5-point scale labelled “I strongly agree”, “I rather agree”, “I rather disagree”, “I strongly disagree”, “neither”.
The question on eliciting reasons for (not) participating in professional development is worded as follows:
“To what extent do you agree with the following statements? [order of items randomized]
- I cannot afford to participate in professional development.
- I do not have time for professional development (e.g. because of caring for relatives, childcare, etc.).
- My employer offers me the opportunity to participate in professional development.
- I do not wish to participate in any professional development that is sponsored by the Federal Employment Agency.
- I am unsure whether professional development will pay off for me.
- I see a great need to participate in professional development.
- I am well equipped for my future career.
- Vocational training is a good way to keep pace with structural change.”
To elicit respondents’ willingness to inform themselves about topics related to further training, we ask the following question:
“Anyone who attends further training that leads to a qualification in a recognized training occupation can, under certain conditions, receive a further training bonus in Germany.
How much do you estimate this further education bonus to be?
In order to improve your estimation, as an exception for this question, you can search for the correct answer on the Internet, for example, by using an Internet search engine.
Answers are recorded as an open numeric field.
Lastly, we elicit whether respondents are willing to write a letter to the chancellor in favor or against the introduction of the so-called “Bildungszeit” in Germany. With this, we want to elicit respondent’s support for a political measure. This question is worded as follows:
Finally, we would like to give you the opportunity to support a political measure on the subject of further education, if you wish.
Currently, the introduction of a so-called "Bildungszeit" (training period) based on the Austrian model is being discussed. With this law, employees would be allowed to participate in further training for one year, during which they would continue to be paid. Some are in favor of this law, as further training is becoming increasingly important in the wake of digitalization. Others are against it because payment during continuing education is paid out of taxpayers' money.
You now have the opportunity to write a letter to the German Chancellor. After the survey is completed, the collected responses of all respondents will be sent in a letter to the Chancellor.
o I would like to write a letter in favor of the introduction
o I would like to write a letter against the introduction
o I do not want to write a letter.