Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Family 1: Adoption
1. Outcome: Index of organic fertilizer application
This outcome will be a count variable from 0 to 4 for the number of organic fertilizer types the farmers applied on his/her rice fields during the last season.
The following organic fertilizers/inputs will be considered:
• Applied fermented manure (binary variable) =1 if the respondent applied fermented manure
• Returned plant residues to the soil (binary variable) =1 if respondent returned rice plant residues and did not burn the remaining part
• Applied green manure (binary variable) = 1 if the respondent applied green manure other than rice plant residues
• Applied other organic fertilizers or non-pesticide organic inputs (binary variable) = 1 if the respondent applied other organic fertilizers As sub-outcomes, we will further consider the individual organic fertilizers.
2. Self-produced organic fertilizers
To explore whether a potential increase in organic fertilizer application is driven by increased self-production, we will further look at self-produced fermented manure and self-produced organic fertilizer.
Outcome i: Self-produced fermented manure
i. Applied self-produced fermented manure (binary variable) =1 if respondent applied fermented manure that his/her household fermented themselves.
Outcome ii: Self-produced other organic fertilizer
Applied self-produced other organic fertilizer/input (binary variable) =1 if respondent applied other organic fertilizers/inputs such as liquid organic fertilizers, MOL, PGPR or compost
3. Outcome: Lime application
During the training, the trainers explained the importance of the optimal ph level and also that lime (quick results) and manure (longer term) application can help to increase the ph level.
• Lime application (binary variable) = 1 if respondent applied lime on his/her rice field during the last planting season.
4. Outcome: Macro-nutrient application in tons/per ha from chemical fertilizer
Chemical fertilizer application quantity of N, P and K in tons/ha (continuous variables): We will estimate these variables based on the reported quantity of different fertilizer types applied during the last planting season for rice. While we expect that we can identify the majority of fertilizers, in rare cases, farmers may report a fertilizer type for which we cannot find a reference in the local agricultural shops. Additionally, some farmers may have forgotten which type they used. If this is the case, enumerators will ask to take a picture of the package if it is still available. Yet, a small error in the variable may remain. We will convert the reported quantity to the measurement tons/ha based on the reported land size. This variable will be top-coded at the 95th percentile of the overall distribution.
5. Outcome: Share of farmers that over-apply macro-nutrients from chemical fertilizers
This outcome is closely related to the previous outcome, yet focuses more specifically on overapplication.
i. Chemical fertilizer overapplication Nitrogen (binary variable) =1 if respondent applies more than 120 % of the recommended Nitrogen quantity (in tons/ha). The recommendations are sourced from the Ministry of Agriculture.
ii. Chemical fertilizer overapplication Phosphorus (binary variable) =1 if respondent applies more than 120 % of the recommended Phosphorus quantity (in tons/ha). The recommendations are sourced from the Ministry of Agriculture.
iii. Chemical fertilizer overapplication Potassium (binary variable) =1 if respondent applies more than 120 % of the recommended Potassium quantity (in tons/ha). The recommendations are sourced from the Ministry of Agriculture.
6. Outcome: Index of fertilizer application pattern in accordance with training
This outcome will be a count variable from 0 to 4 where higher numbers indicate that the farmers’ application pattern is more in line with the recommendations from the training.
We use an index to asses farmers’ fertilizer timing. The index is based on the following variables:
i. Early Phosphorus Application (binary variable) = 1
ii. Split Nitrogen Application (binary variable) = 1
iii. Early/Medium Potassium Application (binary variable) = 1
iv. No late Nitrogen Application (binary variable) = 1
7. Outcome: Use of LCC during last season
Use of LCC during last season (binary variable) = 1 if farmer reported having used the LCC during the last season
Family 2: Yields and profits
1. Outcome: Rice yields in tons/ha
Through improved timing of the fertilization as well as through a more balanced quantity of nutrient application, the training, especially the soil test, may have had a positive effect on yields.
i. Rice yields in tons/ha (continuous variable): We will convert the reported quantity to the measurement tons/ha based on the reported land size. This variable will be top-coded at the 95th percentile of the overall distribution.
2. Outcome: Profits
i. Profits in 1000 IDR/ha (continuous variable): A high share of the harvest in our sample is self-consumed. We will convert this share into income based on average local prices. Similarly, we will estimate family labor costs based on the average local wages of agricultural workers. This variable will be top-coded at the 5th and 95th percentile of the overall distribution.
Family 3: Knowledge and perception
1. Outcome: Knowledge score on soil and nutrient properties
This outcome will be a count variable from 0 to 6 for the number of correct answers to 6 knowledge questions. The questions are either multiple-choice or open-ended. The following knowledge questions will be considered:
i. What is the optimal pH level for rice? (open-ended question, answers between 5.5 and 7 will be coded as correct)
ii. Which of the following nutrients is the main determinant of a rice crop’s greenness? a) P, b) N, c) K, d) don’t know
iii. Which of the following nutrients is the main determinant of root length? a) P, b) N, c) K, d) don’t know
iv. Which of the following nutrients is the main determinant of grain density? a) P, b) N, c) K, d) don’t know
v. The application of which of the following macro-nutrients inhibits plant maturity/prolongs the time until flowering? a) P, b) N, c) K, d) don’t know
vi. Which of the following is a sign of too much N? a) yellow leaves, b) stems are weak and easy to collapse, c) stunted plant growth, d) don’t know
2. Outcome: Knowledge score on fertilizer management
This outcome will be a count variable from 0 to 5 for the number of correct answers to 5 knowledge questions on fertilizer management. The following questions will be considered:
i. Consider two plots. At the time of the second fertilization, the rice plants on plot 1 have a light green color similar to number 3 in the picture. The rice plants on plot 2 have a dark green color similar to number 5 in the picture. How much urea do the plots need?
a) Plot 1 needs more urea b) Plot 2 needs more urea c) The plots need the same amount of urea d) I don’t know
ii. Do you know what input to use when the ph level is too low? (open-ended question, answers lime and manure will be coded as correct)
iii. In the growing season, when should the application of Urea be stopped (in HST=days after planting)?
iv. What is the optimal time to apply fertilizers that contain Phosphorus such as TSP (or NPK)?
v. If farmers want to increase the share of organic matter in their soil, which of the following inputs should they apply? Multiple answers are possible. a) Manure, b) Urea, c) rice residues, d) NPK, e) don’t know