Experimental Design Details
The experiment consists of four parts.
Part 1
Part 1 consists of reading the 10 news articles. The articles are presented in a random order. Participants then answer some questions pertaining to the news articles they have read to ensure that they pay attention to the news articles. Correct answers will be monetarily incentivized with a small payment.
Part 2
Participants are matched with each group separately. They are provided the first names of group members in each group. When facing each group, they decide how to allocate 330 euro across themselves and group members. This part is implemented for one participant per treatment with 90 percent probability.
Part 3
Participants are informed that the members of the reference sample made decisions under three different decision rules. For all decision rules, each member of the four groups made an allocation decision for members of the four groups –including herself– separately.
- Decision rule 1: the payoff of each individual is the average allocation to that person by members of the four groups.
- Decision rule 2: the payoff of each individual is the average allocation to that person by members of one group.
- Decision rule 3: the payoff of each individual is equal to the allocation to that person by one group member.
Next, participants are given 100 points, where each point translates into 1 percent probability. They are asked to allocate the 100 points across the three decision-making rules. They are also informed that they will subsequently decide which group or individual to choose for decision rules 2 and 3.
In the next screen, they make the same allocation decision for decision rule 2. Participants are again provided with 100 points to allocate to the four groups. Finally, for decision rule 3, participants are provided with 100 points to allocate to individuals.
At the end of the experiment, one participant from the main experiment and one part will determine the final allocation outcomes. Should Part 3 be chosen for payment, the final decision rule that allocates money across the 40 group members will be chosen with probabilities equal to those assigned by the randomly chosen participant from the main experiment. If this process leads to decision rule 2 to being chosen, the group that will determine the final allocation decision will be chosen based on the probabilities assigned to groups by that participant. Likewise, if the process leads to decision rule 3 to being chosen, the individual that will determine the final allocation decision will be chosen based on the probabilities assigned to individuals by that participant.
Part 4
Participants fill in
1. Discrete emotions questionnaire (Harmon-Jones, Bastian, and Harmon-Jones 2016),
2. Their demographics: their place of birth, gender, age, the state they live in, monthly net household income, marital status, number of children, where their parents are born, highest education level achieved, their employment status,
3. Political and religious identification: political position (left and right), the party they would vote for if elections were to be held this weekend, whether they voted in the last federal elections, religion
4. Power threat: how much they agree that powerful positions both politically or in leading firms should be occupied by i) ethnic Germans, ii) western Europeans, iii) Europeans, iv) Christians, v) people born in Germany, or vi) anyone living in Germany, and how much they think the government should take into account the ethnic or religious background on those living in Germany.
5. Authoritarianism measure questions based on Altemeyer (1998), Costello et al. (2020) and MacWilliams (2016).
6. Social dominance orientation, the short version based on Ho et al. (2015).
7. Support for immigration, support for redistribution, attitudes towards immigrants and beliefs about immigrants’ poverty and unemployment based on Alesina, Miano, and Stantcheva (2022).
Construction of the reference sample:
The reference sample is constructed via a laboratory experiment. We will screen the registered pool to pick minority (as well as majority) names and invite them to the experiment to generate the exact group compositions with respect to minority and majority members. At the beginning of the experiment, participants enter their first name and are told that these names are seen by current session participants as well as future participants of the study. Afterwards, they are assigned to one of four groups. They then decide to distribute 1200 euro among 40 people whose names are displayed. They make this decision three times: First, under majority voting where all 40 decisions per participants are averaged. Second, under one-group rule where the average decision of their own group determines the payments. Third, as a dictator. They are further informed that one of these decision rules may be implemented depending on the choices of future participants. In the reference sample, we also elicit participants’ preferences for the three different decision rules with the same method as in Part 3 above. We make it clear that these decisions have no payoff consequences. We also administer the same questionnaire at the end.