Secondary Outcomes (end points)
The minimum effort pay scheme game has a prediction that the amount given to the team directly measures beliefs of partner productivity. We also measure beliefs using a survey question at the end of the experiment as a comparison to this explicit measure. The revenue-sharing game does not have a belief measurement directly taken from the game, so we only have the survey question at the end to measure. In all cases, we ask whether the remote or office worker partners contributed more to the team (a direct binary measure of productivity). In the minimum effort treatment, we also ask an incentivized belief question about the minimum amount contributed to the group account by both types of partners. We ask the same question in the revenue sharing treatment but shift from the minimum to a question about the average contribution of teammates. We use all of these questions to examine stated beliefs and to use these beliefs to explain work behavior in the team. We use these beliefs to isolate different types of subjects: those who believe office workers are more productive, those that believe remote workers are more productive and those who believe there are no differences in productivity by work location. We also measure ability in a single round at the start of the experiment, where subjects are paid a piece rate for completed tasks. This is used as an explanatory variable in regression analysis.
Earlier version of this experiment were not registered and they were run prior to Covid. A secondary outcome of interest is whether or not there is a change due to covid. Only the minimum effort treatments were conducted before Covid. Revenue sharing treatments and additional minimum effort treatments will be conducted post-pandemic.