Primary Outcomes (end points)
1a) Increase in self-reported nationalism and national identity. Survey measures include the following: War = 1 if answered affirmatively to the question “If Mexico were in a war and needed volunteers, and they asked you to enlist, Would you do it?” None like Mex =1 if answered "None" to the following question: “Thinking about the countries on this list, which country would you like Mexico to resemble more?”. Mex Identity=1 if they answer "traditions and culture", or "nationality", in the following question: “Which of the following defines your identity more”, Religion, friends, sports/music, economic class, politics, traditions and culture, nationality." Plans to stay in Mex =1 answered "Not abroad" to the question "Where would you like to carry out your plans after High School?", and other measures of nationalism (including applying for Mexican military ID). We would also create a standardized index of these measures.
1b) Increased revealed measures of nationalism and national identity: Higher number of times they choose Mexican art (incentivized questions measuring if they want to have Mexican vs. European art in posters). Higher enrollment to the parade where Parade=1 if they enrolled in marching or helping in Mexican national holiday parades. Higher rate for starting the application to get the military ID card, among others. Higher pride in Mexico using IAT. We will also create a standardized index for these.
2a) Self-perception: more willing to say they have Indigenous origins (Indigenous =1 if answered yes to "Do you consider yourself to be of Indigenous ancestry?" Higher self-reporting they have darker skin color. Higher willingness to devote their incentive money to buy a DNA test to inquire about the ancestry. We will also use a standardized index for these. Moreover, we expect lower measured negative self-feelings in an essay analyzed with the NRC Emotion Lexicon (anger, sadness, fear, and negative emotions).
2b) Perceptions of other Mexicans and inclusion. Higher likelihood to be willing to interact with darker-skinned people (if they are themselves dark). More willing to describe dark-skinned people with positive characteristics. Second-order beliefs: reporting it is more likely that others see them as Mexican, Indigenous, or darker skinned.
3) No backlash towards foreigners: we expect no negative effect measured by incentivized dictator games, no differential affect measured with affective thermometer questions ("We would like to know your stance towards some groups. For the following groups, rate them from 0 to 10 (0 means that you completely reject”. Americans; Europeans). No self-reported difference in trust. Foreigners =1 if the student trusts foreigners (3 or 4, in a 1-4 Likert). No difference in whether Mexicans should have priority in jobs (dummy =1 of Strongly Agree, Agree; =0 if Disagree, Strongly Disagree to the question "when jobs are scarce in Mexico, employers should give priority to Mexicans over foreigners"). Not rating pictures of lighter skinned people with negative attributes. We will also create a standardized index of these.
4a) Self-reporting higher involvement in community and community self-efficacy. Higher rates of affirmative answers in Can make a difference =1 if the answer agrees or strongly agrees with the question "Young people in Mexico can improve the country by voting and participating in political life", and also in Responsible for my community =1 if answers Yes to "I feel responsible for my community." We will also create a standardized index of these.
4b) Revealed more actual participation in the community. More willing to enroll in blood donations database. More willing to enroll to clean public spaces, as in Volunteering club =1 if the student enrolled in club to clean streets and parks and school. We will also create a standardized index of these.
5a) Increased government legitimacy and civic participation (self-reported): Higher voting intentions, "Plan to vote" =1 if student plans to vote when she turns 18. Higher satisfaction with democracy=1 if student is satisfied with democracy in Mexico. Higher interest in politics asked directly. More informed about factual current events. Job in Gov =1 if answered Look for a job in government to the question "What are your plans after finishing high school?". We will also create a standardized index of these.
5b) Increased government legitimacy and civic participation (revealed). More willingness to be a poll worker, Poll Worker =1 if the student is willing to register as poll worker for the next election. Higher willingness to devote incentive money for a subscription to newspaper. We will also create a standardized index of these.