Primary Outcomes (end points)
The expected result of the experiment is a better integration of young graduates from vocational schools into the labour market. The primary outcome of interest will be the employment rate and earnings.
According to our evaluation design, we will be able to distinguish 3 groups of students. First, we will observe outcomes for students who will directly participate in counselling activities, i.e. in treated classes in schools where treatment A is implemented (group 1). Second, will observe outcomes for students whose teachers will be involved in training activities, i.e. in schools where treatment B is implemented (group 2). According to our research design, students in group 1 and group 2 do not overlap, as treatment A and B will be implemented in different schools. Third, we will observe outcomes for 'control' students who were randomly denied both treatments (group 3). Our design will allow us to assess the (possibly) different effects of the two interventions.
For this purpose, all student groups involved in the experiment will be monitored throughout the duration of the program (to check participation and collect individual data) and in the months following their graduation, to track job search activities and employment outcomes. Information must be collected for both the treatment groups A and B, and for the control group.
To this end, we plan to use different data sources.
1. Baseline and follow up surveys conducted with students
We plan to conduct two surveys, one to be administered online to students before the start of the counselling programme (baseline survey) and one to be conducted a few months after graduation (follow up survey) via telephone and web interviews. The first survey will collect students’ sociodemographic information, as well as qualitative information on preferences and life plans. The follow-up survey will aim at monitoring employment and other relevant outcomes. The baseline survey will begin in January 2024 and will be administered to final-year students in both treated and control schools. By this time, all students will be over 18 years old.
2. Baseline and follow up surveys conducted with teachers
In schools assigned to Treatment B, we plan to conduct a short baseline online survey among teachers who enroll in the training sessions. This survey will gather information about their demographics, subjects they teach, years of experience, any previous experience in field of labour market orientation, and the specific classes they are responsible for. This information will help us connect treated teachers and their respective students.
Subsequently, a follow-up survey will be implemented at the end of the 2023/2024 school years. Its primary objective will be ascertain whether the teachers have effectively applied the knowledge and skills acquired during the training sessions.
3. Administrative data
We also plan to rely on administrative registers that can provide information on the employment status of school graduates in our sample.