Search Results

62 Trials Found

Skills Mismatch: Sources and Consequences
Last registered on July 19, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code

J24, J62, J64

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Planning for Which Future? Understanding Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Expectations - Follow-Up
Last registered on July 01, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code


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The more, the better? Online job search advice and job seekers’ reemployment prospects
Last registered on June 24, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code

D83, D84, J64

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Michigan Job Seekers Study
Last registered on June 13, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code

J62, J64, J24, J68

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Eliciting Preferences for Workplace Characteristics
Last registered on April 26, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code

J31, J32, J33, J64, J81

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Impact Evaluation of the Labour Intensive Public Works (LIPW) in Ghana
Last registered on April 02, 2024
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I31; I32; I38; C23; C26; H43; E24; J64; I12

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Planning for Which Future? Understanding Micro-Entrepreneurs' Expectations
Last registered on April 02, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code


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Understanding Risk and Liquidity Constraints as Barriers to Internal Migration
Last registered on March 19, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code

J61, J64, R12, R23, O15, J65

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