Primary Outcomes (explanation)
We rely on administrative registers which provide rich information about all students of vocational schools and their situation after school. They contain information about employment in public and private sectors, earnings, participation in training programs and enrollment in the educational system.
Based on these administrative data, we observe for every individual in our sample the employment status after exiting vocational school, with or without a diploma. Depending on the availability of sources, due to confidentiality issues, individuals can be tracked, without limitation in time, either every 6 months or on a daily basis. We will estimate the probability of being employed at time t after leaving the vocational school. Besides the employment state at a specific point in time, we will also be able to observe the earnings of employed individuals. This allows us to construct yearly earnings for each individual in our experiment and we will be able to estimate the impact of the intervention on earnings in a specific year as well as on accumulated earnings over several years.
We will use the administrative data on the enrollment in the educational system to measure the impact of the interventions on the probability of entering educational tracks which lead to a higher educational degree or to another educational degree of similar level. We will additionally be able to observe whether they finish these educational programs.
We will explore the heterogeneity of the impact of the interventions with respect to the situation on the local labor market. For this we will use regional data on sector- and occupation-specific unemployment rates as well as information on the employment rates of previous cohorts of vocational students who graduated in the same vocational schools.
We will additionally explore effect heterogeneity with respect to students’ personality traits (Big Five and Locus of Control). We conduct a survey in all participating schools. The first wave of this survey takes place from November 2023 to mid January 2024, i.e., before the treatment starts. In this survey we measure the locus of control based on 8 items and the Big Five based on 30 items.
Moreover, in this survey we observe students’ subjective expectations about employment outcomes, their knowledge about employment prospects of similar students, and students’ subjective evaluation of their preparation for the labor market. We will also explore effect heterogeneity along these dimensions.