Intervention (Hidden)
The intervention will consist of two types of services and an educational pathway:
1. Social and personal support service: it is aimed at all participating families, and it will include the following areas of intervention:
a) Social care: social accompaniment to improve the family's living conditions, access to public aid and support in the management of benefits (IMV benefit and other aid, income complementarity, certification of certain situations of exclusion, etc.), to improve healthy living habits and nutrition, for access to and maintenance of housing and supplies focused on acquiring knowledge about home economics and energy, etc.
b) Development of basic, personal and social competences: self-knowledge and self-esteem, personal motivation, social and communication skills, time management, planning of personal and family objectives, conflict management and coexistence within and outside the family (neighbourhood), etc.
c) Complementary transversal actions: Participation and active citizenship; Gender equality; Equal treatment: awareness of rights, prevention of discrimination, assistance in cases of discrimination.
2. Technological accessibility service: it focuses on the acquisition of digital skills, improvement of these skills, prevention and safety, as well as including an internet access point (connectivity) in the service offices available to beneficiaries.
3. Educational itinerary: it is aimed at children and teenagers in the household who are studying between the 3rd year of Primary school and 3rd year of secondary school.Three levels of intervention are defined in the itinerary: individual, group and socio-community.
1. Individual level: Educational Guidance by Competences
Educational Guidance consists of carrying out a personalised process of accompanying students in personal, contextual and family aspects, which are not strictly curricular and which can influence and determine educational success or failure.
This will be worked on individually through various activities:
- Interviews with families and with pupils: through individualised interviews with parents we work on those aspects that are key to the correct functioning of the family system. We work with parents and/or legal guardians in a comprehensive manner, addressing aspects that may affect their children's success at school, such as their employment situation. Coordination with professionals from other FSG programmes and actions, as well as with external professionals, is fundamental.
- Coordination actions with educational centres and other agents: collaboration with educational centres of reference must be continuous. A framework agreement will be signed with each collaborating centre in which, in addition to defining the terms of the collaboration, the protection and privacy of the students will be guaranteed.
2. Group level: actions to improve educational, vocational and transversal competences. This level is made up of three types of actions:
- Educational tutoring, in which both the improvement of curricular competences and the acquisition of transversal educational competences are worked on.
- Group guidance training actions by competences: sessions aimed at both pupils and their families, in which work is carried out on the development of educational and pre-professional competences such as, for example, organisation of time, personal autonomy, compliance with rules and tasks. Additionally, they will work on IT competences in sessions that will be designed and coordinated by the technological accessibility service.
- Training and counselling actions for professionals: throughout the whole itinerary, coordination with professionals from the socio-educational sector is fundamental. Advice is given on an ongoing basis as each specific case is dealt with.
3. Socio-community level: networking with the environment and other social agents. The main actions at this level are:
- Meetings of students and families. The meetings of students and their families are a space for debate, reflection, exchange of situations, problems and successful experiences. They are held at local, regional and/or national level. During the meetings, the students who have made an effort throughout the year to pass the school year are mentioned, with the aim of making examples of success visible and that they can be a reference for other students and their families.
- Social participation actions in the FSG's own actions or in collaboration with other entities