Statistical or taste-based Discrimination at the gates of admission to 5th Grade High School in Germany – Evidence from the field

Last registered on January 12, 2024


Trial Information

General Information

Statistical or taste-based Discrimination at the gates of admission to 5th Grade High School in Germany – Evidence from the field
Initial registration date
January 12, 2024

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
January 12, 2024, 3:45 PM EST

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



Primary Investigator

Siegen University

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
University of Siegen

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In development
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Secondary IDs
Prior work
This trial does not extend or rely on any prior RCTs.
The German school system stratifies students conditional on their grades after the winter term of their 4th grade. Recommendations are not binding such that thousands of parents apply for admission for schooling at the top level “Gymnasium”-High Schools for their kids. Running a randomized controlled trial in this process, we test if gender, migration background and grades have an effect on Gymnasium’s and other secondary school admission’s responsiveness to messages sent by putatively German or Turkish Families who request information on the admission process. In line with our priors from a pre-test in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, we expect that high schools across Germany discriminate against the ethnic background of students. Most notably non-German families receive significantly fewer replies even if they kid has good grades. We believe that this pre-test finding replicates across the other states of the Federal Republic of Germany.
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Registration Citation

Köhler, Ekkehard and Ekkehard Köhler. 2024. "Statistical or taste-based Discrimination at the gates of admission to 5th Grade High School in Germany – Evidence from the field ." AEA RCT Registry. January 12.
Experimental Details


With regard to the study design, we sent an application via email to all high schools with aliases as parents of prospective primary school graduates of the 4th grade - randomized with and without a migration background, female or male and with or without a recommendation for High School (i.e. "Gymnasium) (2x2x2 interventions).
Intervention (Hidden)
With regard to the study design, we sent an application via email to all high schools with aliases as prospective graduates of the 10th grade - randomized with and without a migration background, female or male and with or without a recommendation for High School (i.e. "Gymnasium) (2x2x2 interventions).
Intervention (Hidden)
Studies on discrimination against young adults and minors have received increasing attention in economics (see Beart et al). Esther Duflo and others have contributed to this research area by developing methods to carve out the effects of discrimination, namely by randomized controlled trials in field experiments. Results for discrimination in the labor market are abundant.
Discrimination against minors especially in schools by teachers is less well-researched. Teachers are important individuals in the educational development (Hattie). However, there is no experiment that tests the effect of gender in a randomized controlled trial with teachers in their natural environment - the school.
This is why we conducted a field experiment to test the admission office’s behaviour towards students in a natural environment. Admission is organized by a senior-level teacher who has support from either the administration of the school or other teachers. Qualitative interviews prove that it is the teacher who will end up with a definite list of high school students who will start their paths towards the German High School Diploma.
The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the effects of gender, ethnic background and grades on high school admission in a natural environment.

Using an administrative database that provides the primary contacts to admission offices of high schools in the states of the Federal Republic of Germany, we sent an email requesting information as putative parents of German or Turkish background varying the recommendation with or without High School Recommendation "GymnasialemGPA of junior high school certificate.

The German state school system is a perfect example to identify potential biases of teachers. First, the German educational system allows students to apply for high school after successfully accomplishing primary school if a GPA exceeds a threshold comparable to the grade B. This option is used by students who attend other school forms than the top-tier „Gymnasium“ and is frequently cited to defend the multi-tier secondary school system that stratifies primary school children into three tiers as criticized in OECD and PISA reports. Thus, we can evaluate if this commonly stressed argument acts in practice and if we can truly observe a non-discriminatory use of this option in the natural environment by teachers who are responsible for the admission selection process.
Second, admission to senior high school is administered in a decentralized setting such that each school is allowed to select its prospective students independently. We therefore have good reason to assume that it is the teacher’s criteria that come into play in this selection process. Note that there are no quotas or other criteria such that the decision of the school is not subject to any selection criteria besides the, third, the law that each high school has to act in accordance with the state regulation that prohibits any discrimination against the background of the students. We are therefore confident that we can test if admissions truly do not discriminate against race and gender.

We will write the following treatment text: Note that we translated it into English and adapted it to increase readability.
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
The primary outcome variable is responsiveness of the addressed high schools. Responsiveness is measured as follows. If we observe a non-automated response to our treatment email, we mark it as “1”. If we do not observe a non-automated response, we mark it as “0”.
(i) We expect that the overall responsiveness towards inquirers without immigrant background is higher compared to high school's responsiveness towards inquirers with immigrant background.
(ii) We expect that high schools within districts that have a higher share of immigrants answer more frequently to inquirers with an immigrant background than schools in districts that have a low share of immigrants.
(iii) We expect that schools are more responsive to male compared to female inquirers.
(iv) We expect that schools are more responsive to inquirers with high GPA (“Gymnasialempfehlung”) compared to inquirers with low GPA (“keine Gymnasialempfehlung”).
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
(i) There is evidence that German elites rather respond to inquiries made by people without immigrant background compared to inquiries made by people with immigrant background.
(ii) We expect this outcome due to pre-tests in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
(iii) These expectations are based on the observation from pre-tests in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It can also be explained by gender studies.
(iv) This outcome can be driven by rational choice: High-GPA students are preferred by admission offices over low-GPA students.

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
Apart from responsiveness we are interested in the tonality and the text length of the written answers to the students. We expect that the tonality also varies across the treatment dimensions. This will be an additional variable we will use once we have a sufficient number of observations. In addition, we are interested in categorizing the answers between helpful answers, rejections and other categories that exemplify good, bad or even ugly answer types.
(i) We expect that migrant inquires receive non-helpful answers more often compared to non-migration inquires.
(ii) We expect that that migrant inquires receive neutral or even negative answers more often compared to non-migrant inquires.
(iii) We expect that non-migrant inquirers receive shorter answers compared to migrant inquires because respondents are spending more time to write non-helpful or negative answers compared to positive answers.
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
All effects are based on rational behavior or cognitive dissonances:
(i) The respondent shows discrimination not by neglect but by choosing a lower effort level.
(ii) The respondent shows discrimination not by neglect but by choosing a lower effort level quality.
(iii) We believe that humans who are intentionally discriminate are aware of this action and justify their behavior by writing longer answers.

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
Experimental Design
This experiment aims to find effects of taste-based discrimination within the German High School System in the responsiveness towards students with immigrant background and without immigrant background with either very good or intermediate grades.
Therefore, we designed an experiment with three binary dimensions on side of the inquirers who ask High School Admission offices about information on how to apply for High School.

We take all High Schools of the 16 states in the Federal Republic of Germany into account. The first of the three treatment dimensions of the inquirers is a potential immigrant background. The inquirer’s name signals, from a German point of view, an immigrant background or not. The second dimension is the gender of the inquirer. Again, the name signals female or male gender. The third dimension varies the quality of the educational background of the inquirer so if there is or is not a recommendation for the Gymasium. This corresponds to either a high GPA for a low GPA in primary school.
Each school is contacted via email by one of the eight profiles which consist of all convex combinations of the three dimensions. We will then observe whether a High School responds to the request and if, how much time was required.

Experimental Design Details
Inquiries are sent via email by four fictional people. First names and surnames are chosen such that they imply that the corresponding inquirer has immigrant background (e. g. Yusuf Kaya) or not (e. g. Lukas Becker) with a high probability according to German census. In addition, the first names also relate to the gender of the inquirer. This is the signal we employ to convey a potential immigrant or female or male background of the inquirer. The educational skill of the student is transmitted by the text in the inquiry.
The text of the inquiry also signals that the inquirers are middle school students. Conclusively, inquirers, irrespective of treatments, are minors. This specific group is of special interest for social science.
During our experiment, we generate two samples of data. Firstly, we create an anonymous data set in which each candidate receives a randomly generated ID. We collect information such as the reaction on our email. Secondly, we create a set of control data in which the aforementioned individual information on schools is stored. The latter data set is password-protected and the first data set is anonymized, ensuring that legislators cannot be identified. Thus, issues regarding data protection are mitigated optimally.
Randomization Method
Randomization is done in office by a computer.
Randomization Unit
State level
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
15 clusters with respect to randomization unit (state level). 8 clusters with respect to treatment clusters (three binary dimensions) within randomization unit.
Sample size: planned number of observations
Around 3000+, which is the number of High Schools in the 16 States of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
Approximately 350+ for each of the 8 possible treatments:
(i) Immigrant background + Male + high GPA (i.e. Recommendation for High School / Gymnasialempfehlung)
(ii) Immigrant background + Female + high GPA (i.e. Recommendation for High School / Gymnasialempfehlung)

(iii) No immigrant background + Male + high GPA (i.e. Recommendation for High School / Gymnasialempfehlung)
(iv) No immigrant background + Female + high GPA (i.e. Recommendation for High School / Gymnasialempfehlung)
(v) Immigrant background + Male + low GPA (i.e. No Recommendation for High School / keine Gymnasialempfehlung)
(vi) Immigrant background + Female low GPA Immigrant background + Male + low GPA (i.e. No Recommendation for High School / keine Gymnasialempfehlung)
(vii) No immigrant background + Male low GPA Immigrant background + Male + low GPA (i.e. No Recommendation for High School / keine Gymnasialempfehlung)
(viii) No immigrant background + Female low GPA Immigrant background + Male + low GPA (i.e. No Recommendation for High School / keine Gymnasialempfehlung)

Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
Rat für Ethik in der Forschung Universität Siegen
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number


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