Experimental Design
We conduct baseline and endline surveys (approximately one year apart) with households in 46 communities to form a two-period household-level panel. After the baseline survey, communities are matched using 1-1 matching without replacement, and then one community in each matched pair is randomly assigned to treatment and one to control. See pre-analysis plan for additional details.
After endline, we use an ANCOVA regression to test for the difference in outcomes between treatment and control groups at endline, controlling for baseline values of the outcome variable, fixed effects for district, and household- and respondent-level controls: gender, age, education, dummy for being born in the community, number of household members, dummy for all school-age children in school, number of cattle owned, and farm plot size.
As a robustness checks, we also run a Dif-in-Dif model with community fixed effects, and Dif-in-Dif with household-level fixed effects. The purpose of these is to see if the ANCOVA results remain robust to more demanding models with less statistical power.