Experimental Design
I will employ a survey experiment with a between-subjects design to assess if learning about AI/science advances influences trust. This involves exposing participants to AI vs. non-AI (science) advancements and analyzing the causes of the differences in trust. I will also investigate if and how outcomes vary by socio-demographic traits, offering insights into AI's differential societal impacts. The domains of linguistics, medicine, and dating, are selected as they have seen similar rates of advances in AI/science in recent years and can offer reasonable comparisons.
Specifically, I will collect data using a survey experiment from 1,500 respondents via the Understanding America Study (UAS), which is a nationally representative probability-based panel of U.S. households with over 8,000 respondents run by the University of Southern California (USC). UAS respondents answer the questionnaires on a computer, tablet, or smart phone. The target number of respondents is 1,500 to ensure sufficient statistical power to answer the research questions. The interviews will be conducted in both English and Spanish and the UAS staff will translate the questionnaire into Spanish. The UAS’ recruitment process includes paying initial monetary incentives of $5 and an additional $15 for the completed questionnaire. To minimize attrition rates and non-response, the UAS sends reminders and allows respondents ample time to complete the questionnaire. The collected and anonymized data will be made publicly available to benefit the broader research community.
Through random assignment, respondents will either read about AI advances or science advances in linguistics, medicine, and dating. Neutral, one-paragraph texts from science websites (e.g., Science Daily) will be used. Specifically, 750 participants in the "AI" condition will read about chatGPT advancements, while 750 participants in the "science" condition will learn about linguistic discoveries. Each respondent reads three excerpts about language, medicine, and dating.
After reading each excerpt, participants in the treatment (AI) and control (science) groups will rate the items below on a 5-point scale, where 1 = Completely Disagree and 5 = Completely Agree.
1) Reading this makes me trust this innovation/advance
2) This development has the potential to help the human race
3) I have a good understanding of this innovation/advance
4) Reading about this makes me afraid
5) Reading about this development makes me excited