Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
4. Experience of sexual harassment
Measure: We use some items from the Sexual Experience Questionnaire - Workplace (SEQ-W), in which we asked the students regarding their experience and encounter with sexual harassment in different settings (school, home, workplace, etc).
5. Well-being (WB) and Stress (PSS-4)
a) Well-Being: Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Index: a higher score on Cantril Ladder indicates that the individual perceives their life as more satisfying and fulfilling.
b) Perceived stress:
The lowest score is 0, the highest is 16. Higher score indicates a higher level of perceived stress.
6. Willingness to Compete
a) Self-reported willingness to compete (on a scale from 1 to 10)
b) Choice between a fixed payment vs or variable payment with higher expected value
7. Fertility aspiration.
a) Aspired age of first child - “If you were to have a child, at what age would you aspire to have your first child?”
b) Number of children they plan to have.
8. Attitudes towards Gender-Based Violence and Gender Equality
Measure: For questions regarding gender-based violence, we will use the average across five questions on whether it is acceptable for a man to beat his wife in specific situations. For the second component, gender equality, we use two statements regarding leadership and education.
9. Self-esteem
Measure: We follow the survey questions measuring self-esteem by Glewwe et al. (2021) and report the outcomes as an average across the five questions.
10. Aspirations
We use the aspiration index on Lybbert & Wydick (2017) and originally by Snyder (1994). We construct each index based on the students’ level of agreement with five sentences (from 10-totally agree to 0-totally disagree), following the method described in Kling et al. (2007) and Anderson (2008).