This RCT is part of a larger research project that explores the extent to which information that is valuable for predicting entrepreneurs’ future outcomes is embedded in business networks. By business networks, we mean networks of entrepreneurs, suppliers of entrepreneurs, and customers of entrepreneurs. The research project explores information related to both entrepreneurs’ future and past absolute and relative performance and marginal returns (MR) to capital, managerial consulting, and networking with other businesses.
We are conducting this research project as part of a related study that uses a RCT to evaluate the impact of the Enterprise Grow Programme, a large-scale business support program being implemented by the Government of Ghana’s Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA) and the World Bank. In the RCT, small enterprises (sized 6-30 employees), are randomly assigned to grant, group-based managerial consulting, group-based peer learning, and control conditions. The RCT enables us to obtain unbiased estimates of the MRs to these interventions across the distribution of predicted returns, allowing us to test the accuracy of MR predictions, and to measure the predictive power of information gathered about entrepreneurs’ absolute and relative performance.
In the current study, we leverage the fact that the Enterprise Grow Programme brings together entrepreneurs for four days of general business training before conducting a final screening of applicants to the program. Among those who pass the final screening, we conduct a baseline survey and organize a peer networking event with the GEA. In the networking event, we group entrepreneurs in groups of 6 and conduct one-on-one peer networking. At the end of the event, we conduct a survey in which entrepreneurs make absolute and relative predictions about their and their group members’ past and future performance.
We conduct a RCT for a subset of questions in the survey; we use randomized assignment to high- and low-stakes to examine how incentives to strategically misreport to increase one’s chances of receiving a grant through the Enterprise Grow Programme affect the accuracy of reports. We hypothesize that entrepreneurs will distort their predictions to favor themselves in the high stakes condition; as predictions should be unambiguously worse (less accurate) in the high stakes condition compared to the control, we will conduct a one-sided hypothesis test.
We then explore the extent to which two simple tools from mechanism design that aim to improve the accuracy of reports can help: the first is a split-sample ranking mechanism, and the second is payments for accuracy. In the split sample ranking mechanism, entrepreneurs’ rankings of themselves cannot influence the allocation of the grant. Given this, we expect rankings in the stakes condition to be weakly more accurate when this mechanism is used; as predictions should be weakly better (more accurate) in the split sample mechanism compared to the stakes only condition, we will conduct a one-sided hypothesis test.
The main experimental conditions are:
1. Control:
a. No stakes: Respondents informed that this survey is for research and learning purposes only.
b. No split sample ranking.
2. Stakes only:
a. Respondents informed that the peer ranked highest by others in their assigned group will have a greater chance of obtaining a grant through the Enterprise Grow Programme.
b. No split sample ranking.
3. Stakes + split sample ranking:
a. Respondents informed that the peer ranked highest by others in their assigned group will have a greater chance of winning the grant.
b. Split sample ranking: Respondents informed that the split sample ranking mechanism will be used.
Within these 3 groups, we cross-randomize payments for accurate prediction for a subset of questions in the survey. In the control condition for the payments for accuracy, we do not provide any payments for accuracy. In the treatment condition, we provide a payment to the group member whose ranking is closest to the true ranking among group members. We expect rankings in the payments condition to be weakly more accurate when this mechanism is used; as predictions should be unambiguously better (more accurate) in the payments condition compared to the no payments condition, we will conduct a one-sided hypothesis test.