Search Results

75 Trials Found

The Demand for Expert Advice and Karmic Luck: An Experimental Investigation
Last registered on July 17, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code

C91, C93, D81, D82, D83, I22

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A lab-in-the-field experiment on Auction Design
Last registered on July 16, 2024
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D44 - Auctions, D82 - Asymmetric and Private Information, Mechanism Design, Q12 Micro Analysis of Farm Firms, Farm Input Markets

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Market-based Information to Predict Small Firms’ Marginal Returns to Capital and Other Business Support Services
Last registered on June 25, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code

C53, I38, M13, L25, L26, O16, D82, G20

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Signals We Give: Gender, Feedback, and Competition
Last registered on February 05, 2024
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C92, D82, J7.

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Implementing Market Design in the Labor Market: Lessons and Experimental Evaluation
Last registered on January 02, 2024
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D47, D82, J28, M5

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Hidden Income and the Perceived Returns to Migration
Last registered on December 28, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

J61, R12, R23, O15, D82, D83, D84

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Experimental Evaluation of Asymmetric Family Planning Information in Tanzania
Last registered on December 15, 2023
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O12, O15, D82, J13, J16

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Suspicion and Communication
Last registered on December 06, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

D83, D82, C92

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