We use an experimental survey design, which is an adaptation of Almas, Cappelen y Tungodden (2020) to understand the role of circumstances in the willingness to compensate for income inequalities. The experiment will be carried on three samples. First, via an institutional email to students from Universidad de la República (the main university in Uruguay). Students from Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Social Sciences, and Engineering will be invited. The email with the invitation to participate in the study and the link to the survey is sent to students enrolled in one of the mandatory courses in the first year of the university . In addition, we invite workers from the Universidad de la Republica (Teaching and non-teaching staff). The email with the invitation to participate in the study and the link to the survey is sent to workers using the email addresses available in the University’s administrative records. Additionally, the survey will be disseminated through the usual communication channels the University uses with its staff. In both cases, two reminders will be sent by email. A third sample of non-university-educated individuals aged 25-50 years from Uruguay will be invited through social networks.
Participation is voluntary but as an incentive for participating in the survey, participants will be entered into a drawing to win money to be used in a mall. The study is done with an online self-administered survey and the interventions (information regarding circumstances and effort of beneficiaries to look for a job) are embedded in the online survey.