Primary Outcomes (explanation)
The variable measuring reproductive health knowledge will be constructed based on the principal commponent analysis of the correct/affirmative answers to the following questions (note that the first number, e.g., D8, corresponds to the question numbers in the questionnaire. See "Documents" section in this registry for the full questionnaire):
Questionnaire Section 5: Questions to daughter
D8. On Average, how frequently menstrual regulation happens for an adult girl?
D9. When during a menstrual cycle a girl is more likely to get pregnant, if she has sexual relations?
D10. Can you please tell me, what are the physical changes that a girl experiences when transitions into adulthood? (Multiple answers possible, answer all that apply)
D11. If a girl gets pregnant in her teenage years (before the age of 19), what are the potential issues or health risks she might have to face? (multiple answers possible, answer all that apply)
D12. Do you know the places and persons you can go if you have any reproductive health problems or need for consultation?
D13. Who do you discuss with if you face any reproductive health related problem, including puberty and menstruation?
D14. Do you know how a girl gets pregnant?
D15. Have you ever heard of following contraceptives to avoid pregnancy? (multiple answers, answer all that apply)
Use of contraceptives is binary variables for each of the following contraceptive methods, pills, condoms, injection, withdrawals, and others.
Marriage and pregnancy timing will be measured by the exact day, month, year of marriage and pregnancy. Age at first marriage and pregnancy is calculated using the exact day, month, year of girls' birthday.
The variable measuring belief about social norms will be constructed based on the principal commponent analysis of the answers conforming to the conservative/traditional norms of the following questions:
Questionnaire Section 5: Questions to daughter
D27. Say there are 100 families in your village/community. If you had to guess, how many families among 100 in the village/community would agree with the same statement as stated above in D26 with you? We will match your response with the answers collected from this village/community and if your answer matches correctly with the community response, you will be rewarded. (note D26. Do you agree with the following statement? In my opinion girls should not get pregnant immediately after marriage. They should follow family planning to delay pregnancy by at least 1-2 years after marriage to adjust with new life and should become physically and mentally mature to take the childbearing role.)
D30. Say there are 100 families in your village/community. If you had to guess, how many families among 100 in the village/community would agree with the same statement as stated above in D29 with you? We will match your response with the answers collected from this village/community and if your answer matches correctly with the community response, you will be rewarded. (note D29. Do you agree with the following statement? In my opinion girls should continue education after marriage.)
D34. Say there are 100 families in your village/community. If you had to guess, how many families among 100 in the village/community would agree with the same statement as stated above in D32 with you? We will match your response with the answers collected from this village/community and if your answer matches correctly with the community response, you will be rewarded. (note D32. Do you agree with the following statement? In my opinion girls should not get married before 18 years of age)