Search Results

92 Trials Found

Anticipated Career Costs of Child and Family Formation Decisions
Last registered on June 30, 2024
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J12, J13, J22, D84

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Salary Disclosure in Job Ads
Last registered on June 24, 2024
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J01, J08, J16, J22, J23, J31, J33

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The effect of online work-hour flexibility on composition and productivity of workers
Last registered on June 20, 2024
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J22, O14, J16, L86

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What’s in the Name? Volunteer and Employment Opportunities in Egypt
Last registered on May 29, 2024
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O12, J22, I32, J24, J16

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An information experiment about the Swedish EITC
Last registered on May 28, 2024
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J22; C93

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Voting Behavior and Female Representation: Experimental Evidence from Turkey
Last registered on May 15, 2024
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J16, J22

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An Experimental Field Intervention on Parental leave uptake
Last registered on May 09, 2024
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D10, J13, J16, J22

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The higher you climb, the harder you fall: on career mothers and their identity
Last registered on May 09, 2024
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D1, J16, J22, J13

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